Chapter 1:Funwith Jack Frost

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"Merida?Are you there sleeping?"Mother came into my room and asked,sitting the side of my bed.

"Yeah,about to until you can in and ruined it."I replied to her,tugging onto my blanket.She patted me on the back and stood up,"Then I am going to let you have a goodnight sleep,darling.Goodnight."After that,she turn off the lights.I sighed and went on to sleep.

After a few minutes,i heard a noise that sounds like ice was cracking.I sat up and saw my window having a fern-like pattern."Wha-"I said and went to the window.Then,a drawing of a horse and a girl appeared on the frosted window.My mouth was wide-open as I gasped when the drawing came to life!Just as that precise moment,someone tapped me on my right shoulder.I thought it was my mother but it was the annoying Spirit of Winter,Jack Frost.

" did you come into my bedroom?"i asked him,stuttering madly.

"From the entrance of your castle,obviously!"

"But you will be seen!Get out of here before you are executed!"

"Nobody can see me except you."He said.With that,he leaned towards me.I pushed him back with my strong arms.

He gave a smile,"Wanna fly?"I was pretty much confused at that moment but before I could say anything,he piggybacked me and opened the window and soar into the sky!I screamed when Jack just flew."Jack!Stop!"

"Don't worry,i got you!It's gonna be alright!"he comforted me as he went faster.

We reached to Queen's Tooth and he put me down.Excited,i drank the water from the FireFalls.I gave a squeal of delight and hugged Jack tightly."Whoops,sorry.I am just too happy!"I apologized.He shrugged his shoulders.

After that,he made snow on the mountain and threw a snowball at me.I was pissed off by him but something made me feel joyful.My face turned from anger to joy.I threw a snowblower back at him and we started a joyful snowball fight.

Few minutes later,i felt really exhausted and fell to sleep on Jack's cold but comfy arms.

The next thing I remember was waking up in my room."Merida!Are you awake?"i heard my mother yelling."Yeah!Just a second!"I replied.I first looked around my room,was that just a dream?I gave a small sigh and got up from my bed and went to the throne.

My mother was there on her own throne,waiting patiently for me."Good morning."I greeted."Good morning,Merida.Are you ready to start the day?Some
of the kingdoms are coming here two days later so be ready for your speech.They are here to impress you so you will be their princess or something like that.They will be doing the thing they are best at.Is that good for you?"

"Of course cause they just can't get the heart of the Mighty Merida!"I exclaimed,showing my muscles to my mother.Both of us laughed heartily as we clutched our stomachs.

Unseen (Jerida Fan Fic) || CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora