Chapter 16: Backup

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Merida's POV

"Thanks,Night.I...kinda owe ya one,"I blushed,scratching the back of my neck.Night smiled and carried me bridal style.

Appalled by his sudden actions,I yelled,"What are you doing?This is not how you treat a princess!"

He smirked and touched my chin,"I thought you said you weren't a princess,"Embarrassed,i looked away from him and pouted my lips.He chuckled softly and opened a portal,which leads us to the workshop.

I teased,"Now i know how you know all about my personal information...You're a stalker,aren't you?"

Night blushed furiously,his cheeks burned red hot.He stuttered,trying to find words to counter me,but ultimately failed.

We went through the dark ominous portal,surprising the Guardians who were deep in thought.

"Merida...You're back!"North said in glee,clapping his hands.His eyes shifted to Night and immediately they turned cold,"You..."

"Mr Claus,I am sorry about what happened a few days ago but this is not the time,"Night stepped back.

Bunny went up to his face and growled,"Sorry?Oh,you better be.After what you done to Merida?Your apology will not be accepted."Knowing it was not going to end well,I quickly interfered the conversation,"Guardians,listen!This is not going to help with the situation.We have a dire problem right now!"

Tooth looked at me,eyes filled with curiosity and asked,"What could be so serious that you disallowed Bunny to hit Night?"

I sucked in a deep breath and exhaled,"Jack has been taken over by darkness..."Gasps could be heard from everyone except me and Night.The atmosphere immediately turned cold,sending shivers down my spine.

North stammered with surprise,"J-Jack?He's been...taken THE DARKNESS?!"

Night looked at his feet,guilt welling up in his heart,"It's all my fault...If I haven't kidnap Merida...If I haven't stop my father from attacking the Guardians...If I haven't-"

"THIS IS NO ONE'S FAULT!"I yelled,bring all attention to me.I tossed my vibrant crimson red hair."Jack is going to destroy us.If we don't do something,may the spirits save our souls and bring mercy..."

With giant steps,North walked over to the control board and grabbed his sword.He stared at the floor then looked at all of us with determination."Jack needs light in heart.We will lead him to the right path.If getting his heart back means be it!We will fight till the end!"

The yetis cheered and howled,the elves jingled the tiny bells on their eccentric green hats.Tooth yelled out a primal war cry,Sandy pumped his fist in the air and Bunny nodded his head,agreeing with the leader.I looked over at Night who looks down,and placed my hand on his shoulder."Don't worry,lad.Join us.You don't have to be like your father,"

He smiled wryly and stepped up forward to North with a glowing aura of confidence."I'll join you in this war."North glared deeply into Night's yellow eyes for a few moments,and burst out laughing.

"Fine.You can join us,as long as you don't shroud the world in eternal darkness."North patted Night's back lightly.I pumped my fists and cheered,"Let's save Jack!"

Jack's POV

Darkness.That's first thing I saw.

My head felt heavy and the vision starts to clear.

Where am I?

This is neither the workshop nor Pitch's intimidating lair.It was just emptiness.Like a hollow bottomless hole.

"Hello?Anyone there?"I yelled into the distance,hoping someone is there.

No one.

I sighed and stood up.I scanned my surroundings to understand the situation.Never had I ever known any places like this.

I walked around the area,trying to find an exit.After what seemed to be an eternity,there was still no exits found.

The darkness was intimidating,looming over me like a swarm of killer bees.My heart shook in fear and my hair stood on ends.I was stupid to listen to Pitch.Knowing him as my enemy,I should not have accept his offer.

I started to panic.Was I going to be stuck here forever?Will I disappear?Will I...will I see Merida again?

Bunny's POV

Jack is taken over by Pitch?Impossible!

I knew Jack wasn't one to easily lose to his deepest fears.Sure he can be hot-tempered or careless,but still it was unlikely of Jack.

"Merida...are yer sure Jack is..."I asked in disbelief.

Merida held my hand,"Bunny...I'm sorry...."I slammed my fist hard on the armrest of North's sleigh,unable to accept the truth.

"Hey,you'll scratch the wood!"North hollered from the front,pointing at my paws.I folded my arms,praying that Jack would be alright.After all,he's my best mate.

Merida's POV

North brought us to Burgess,the town where Jack was born.The lake was still frozen even though it was near summer.Specks of snowflakes streamed down from the skies,the air was chilly and the temperature made my flaming hair tone down.

North flashed out his gigantic,silver swords from the scabbards at his hips and waved to us,signalling us to follow his lead.My grip on my bow tightened.The bow flared up and the burning phoenix cawed.

Following North,we found a black,deep tunnel that seems lead one to Pitch's lair.As Bunny was about to jump into it,huge swarm of black sand and ice bursted from it,hitting the people around it.Thankfully,I managed to avoid the ambush and landed nicely on my feet.

"Welcome,Guardians!It's showtime!"Pitch cackled,hovering us on a grey cloud,with Dark Jack beside him.

Angered,I immediately shot my arrows at Pitch without any thought.None of them hit Pitch.Flames burned in my eyes as I continued shooting arrows with fury.Suddenly,in the middle of shooting,I felt dizzy...and then my eyelids feel heavy,then i tumbled onto the cold,icy surface of the frozen lake.

What was going on?

"J-Jack..."I moaned,not before drifting off into unconsciousness.

Hi!I am back?

Sorry,I had exams and a lot of school work recently.It is really stressful.LOL!

Here's a new update and it might take a while to upload the next chapter,I am sorry but I will try my very best.Thanks for those who are still reading my books!

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