Chapter 18: Hope

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Merida's POV

There is no more hope.I feel empty.Why did i even exist?If i hadn't met Jack,this wouldn't happen.I lay there on the cement ground,contemplating life,having a existential crisis,if that's what they call it.Pitch then hovered above me,flashing off his yellow teeth,"You lost,Guardians.After years of battling,i've finally won.Darkness always wins."He looked over at North."I told you.Fear will always be here,it will leave.No matter how many times you beat me,i will always come back!"

"No...we never lose,we never accept defeat..."North said.I looked over my shoulders and saw the giant man picking himself up like a toddler who just fell.

"Who do you think we are,you shadow sneaking ratbag?Some bloody little ponies?You better watch your back!"Bunny hollered,flashing his boomerang.

Pitch cracked his knuckles,his eerie voice echoing in the empty dark streets,"Watch my back?You'll be too late to attack me back.Haven't you notice?"

"Notice what?"

"That you've become weaker and more vulnerable than usual?"Pitch said.He was right.Apart from me,the Guardians seemed to less bright than usual.I can't say much about Tooth though,but Bunny shrunk a little,North's face had a pale complexion and Sandy,he wasn't that gold anymore.It looked like they lost their power.

"The children,they've already succumbed to my power,to me.Don't try to deny,Guardians.You know you've lost but not quite yet,"said the bogeyman.He then raised his hand and a bunch of Nightmare sand whirled up into the sky,in the midst of it was a young boy with brown hair and light brown eyes.He tried to scream for help but the sand covered his mouth,stifling him.

I widened my eyes.What is Pitch going to do to this poor child?He has a lot to live for!Softly but gently,i heard Dark Jack saying,"J-Jamie?"Jamie?The Jamie Bennett?The first kid to ever see or believe in Jack Frost?I looked back at the boy and scrutinized him.He was everything Jack described.Brown slightly-spiky hair.Round warm brown eyes.Gentle.It was definitely him.

I had to save him.If i couldn't save Jack,this is my chance to prove myself worthy.I charged my energy and made a fireball on my palm.Just as i was about to throw it at Pitch,someone grabbed my arm and stopped me.I turned my head and to my surprise it was Dark jack!His head was tilted down,no expression at all.I could not read his face.At the corner of my eye,i noticed that his fist was clenching his staff tight.Without any warning,the staff sparked dark ice at the dark sand,freezing it.Dark Jack flew and grabbed Jamie before the ice could freeze him.

Pitch was shocked.I was shocked.Even the Guardians were astounded.No one expected Dark Jack to save Jamie.It was out of his league to save a child.

Jamie stared at Dark Jack,he smiled but then retracted upon realising that wasn't the Jack he knew.He did not have the snow white hair he liked to joke about,the cold but calm blue eyes,instead he had jet black hair,the complete opposite of Jack,and the solar yellow eyes that shows nothing but evil.In Jamie's eyes,Jack was a devil.But to Dark Jack,he thought he was gentle enough.

"W-Who are you?"Jamie stammered,fear dripping down his words.A knife stabbed through Dark Jack's heart."Jamie...It's Jack..."

" you're not!Don't lie to me!I know Jack very well.Both physically and mentally!"Jamie said,trying to free from Jack's grasp.Dark Jack was in huge disbelief.The kid who always believed him did not trust him.He did not believe that was indeed Jack.

Dark Jack fell and sobbed.I felt hurt too,and sympathetic towards him.I then sat beside and hugged him."I...Why did it turn out like this?"

"Jack,it's not your fault.The darkness took over yer,yer just have come back.Come back to us,to me.We love you.I love you,"I said,caressing his face.He shed a tear.Gradually,like magic,his cold evil yellow eyes reverted back to his cold icy blue ones.His hair faded from black to white.The pale gray skin turned back to pale beige.He was back;Jack has return to us.

Unseen (Jerida Fan Fic) || CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora