Chapter 16// Mark

Start from the beginning

"Okay, what is it?" I asked grabbing her hands from folding. She continued to look down. "Do you not want me here?" I asked worriedly.

She didn't say anything.

"It is. Look Alina I'll go to the nearest airport and leave you to be with your family. I don't want to intrude on—."

She pulled away. "It's not you Mark. It's my sister."

"Oh what'd she do?" I asked.

"Pick a fight with me." She said irritated. However, I knew something else bothered her.

I got up and went over to the dresser where she had a picture of her mom displayed on the wall above it. I changed the subject for both our sakes. "You look so much like her."  I said looking at her mom who was cheesing in the picture with two little girls, identical in my eyes. They both clanged to her legs with the cheesiest smiles.

"You think?" She asked.

"For sure. You have her smile. " I stated truthfully.


It was dinner time and Al began a prayer, he blessed those that have prepared the food, his children and I making it safe to Wyoming, and those that are unfortunate to be here with us. Al made deer chili and Alina made fry bread. Not having either before, it was immaculate. I learned about fry-bread in 3221 which seemed bland in the class but in reality it was delicious.

"So are you two an item?" Al asked not taking his eyes off Alina and I.

"Dad." Alina whined.

I looked at her. "I'm way out of her league." I said playfully.

She looked at me and rolled her eyes jokingly. "We're just friends." She pouted.

"I'm assuming you know about our loss?" Al asked, referring to me.

I shook my head yes. "I'm so sorry that you all had to go through that. You have a beautiful family, I could only imagine what it was like with—."

"Ella is spitting image of Alina." Al said. "I don't know much about you Mark but if you're with my daughter I assure you to stay kind, and be gentle of her."

I nodded in assurance afraid to look at Alina.
There was a silence in the room. "Must be Ella passing through." Al said. "Well Mark it's a pleasure to meet you. Kids I'm going to bed." He said dismissing himself from the table. He gave each of them a kiss on top of their heads and headed down into a room. "Goodnight, sleep tight." He said before shutting the door which I'm assuming was the basement.

"Is dad still sleeping in the basement?" Alter asked.

"Yes, um Mark you have the master bedroom at the top." Alia noted.

I shook my head for a response. Alia was especially quiet at dinner, which didn't seem like her coming from her bold personality just a few hours ago. But what do I know?

"I got dishes." Alina said getting up.

"I'll help." I said following after her.

"Aye man I thought you were rolling out with me?" Alter said getting up.

"I got it." Alina said.

"Are you sure?" I asked. 

She shook her head yes. "Have fun."


Alter and I reached the bar where we were meeting his friends. Walking in we heard a huge amount of people congratulate and welcome Alter. Girls swarmed around him and I. "It's good to have you back, my man AR!" This guy said coming up to Alter.

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