[6]Getting Ready For the Auction

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I could feel his eyes burning holes on my head. I tried to ignore the feeling to look at him back and say another comeback. But I refused to since I know I could be mistaked to be one of Wesley's "girls." I already realized that all guys out there are just jerks and will never be able to love you whole heartedly. Based on my experience.

The rest of the classes were a blur. I still managed to take notes, but I couldn't concentrate that much. My head was still pounding, but not as before. I didn't bump into Wesley's friends and my friends. I avoided them as much as possible. Like when I saw Lindy and Terrence holding hands in the hall today, I walked the opposite direction. When Bridgette and Destiny were talking about random things, I went into the library. I still can't help and think that they are helping me because I'm poor. But that's not the point. I'm not here for friends or people. I'm here for an education to help my family and to give me a good job. I don't need this drama.

It was lunch now, and I felt awkward. I usually sit with Wesley's friends. I'm not friends with anyone else other then them being related to Wesley. Well if you don't count the librarian, then I don't have any friends.

I carried my bag of chips and entered the cafeteria. I was deciding where to sit. There was no vacant seats. Everyone already had their groups set up. It seems that they already decided which person is in each clique.

I saw my friends staring at me. I rolled my eyes and turned to the exit of the cafeteria.I know where I was heading. The library. The only place I know where there isn't any drama.


I pushed the doors of the library. There wasn't many people since it was lunch. I only saw the math club sitting on a table discussing about the upcoming math decathlon.

I had my earphones and phone inside the pocket of my skirt. I pulled them out of my pocket and inserted the wire to the phone. I jammed the earbuds in my ears and pressed the shuffle button. I began strolling through the book shelves in sight for another book to read after Divergent.

I ran my fingers on spine of the books. Some books were fat and some were really skinny. Some were hard covers, some were paperbacks. West Ville's Academy seems very updated to me. They even have the signatures of the authors on the books.

Damn rich people.

I continued looking for books until I saw a pair of brown eyes looking straight at me through the book shelf. I jumped back, "What the fuck!"

Then the math club shushed me and I rolled my eyes. I shuffled over to the other side of the shelf to see the mysterious guy. I hid behind the edge of the book shelf. He had shaggy black hair and wore the school uniform, he had a pair of headphones around his neck. The guy looks to be a senior too.

I think he caught me staring at him, he turned his face to me and smirked. He switched his feet over to my direction. The mysterious guy stood before me and stuck his hand out.

"Hi, my name is Dylan Cooper. My dad is the owner of the Mini Cooper vans and the son of many car dealerships. I'm guessing you're the commoner," Dylan quirked his eyebrows.

"I'm Stella Miller, nice to meet you," I shook his hand. Oh so now people are calling me commoner, stupid rich people pride.

"I heard you joined the skateboarding team. That's very brave of you, no girl has ever joined the team," he said and we walked side by side through the library.

"Well I do like skateboarding," you could tell that I really didn't want to talk to this guy from the tone of my voice.

"I'm in the team too, I hope that we'll see each other later on, bye Stella," he walked away holding a book which was called 'Legend.'

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