The bad boy's Diary

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''I love you'' I mummer as I leave wet kisses on his chest. He groans moving on his side.

''what's wrong?''I ask letting myself fall on his bed beside him. I press myself against his back. He sighs at my action and I wrap my arms around him. He turns around in my grip and stares at me.

''I'm....'' He doesn't finish his sentence. I look at him, his eyes watering. The Bad Boy is crying. ''I am sorry for everything I did to you'' He starts to speak again.

He was sorry! I was the one who should apologize. But even if I did I wasn't worthy of his apology. ''No I'm sorry Mateo. I'm sorry, you shouldn't even apologize for standing up for yourself'' I said leaning in kissing his forehead.

''I don't.....'' he couldn't finish his sentence because his door slammed open showing a woman.

''You !''she said pointing at me. Did I know her from some where? Mateo stood up leaving me alone. '' Get out Lana!'' he screams at the woman. She smiles at me coming over to me walking pass him. ''Evan?'' she asked looking at me with a smile on her face.

''uh.. Yes'' I said getting up and I quickly shuffled to Mateo his side.

''Is he Evan, Mateo?'' the woman asked him. "Yes Lana, now go. I need to talk to him" He said glaring at her. I held his arm trying calm him down.

'' Your dad is going to be so happy! you must stay for dinner" She squeals. Mateo turns around looking at me. As if asking me for a answer. I nod awkwardly.

''I'll tell your dad'' she said turning around to walk away and stops. ''And your dad wants to talk to you'' she said.

''Stay here bunny. I'll be right back'' he said giving me a quick peck on my lips. I heard his mother cooing in the back.

I stare at him as he walks away, his muscular back on full display. It made me horny, left me yearning for him.

I look around in his room. I chuckled walking to his desk when I see a picture of us. We were probably elven at that time.

He forced me to stand by his side to make that picture. I remember how he had told me that if I didn't he won't let me play with the other kids.

My eyes scan across his desk and it fell on something I couldn't picture Mateo with. A diary.

I snorted at the thought of him writing Dear diary this happened today.

I reach for it taking it in my hands and opening it.
To my surprise he did wrote in it.

I chuckle a little at what he wrote.

I know how to write now

It was a single sentence that was written on his first page.
I turn the page around to see what he wrote next.

I Saw a boy today but he doesn't talk to anyone. My mom said to be friends with him.

It was me he was writing about.
I look at what's written on the next page.

I talked to him today but he looked and walked away. He doesn't want to be friends. Maybe I should try tomorrow

"Bunny" I hear him call for me. I slammed his diary shut and put it on his desk.

"Yeah ?" I asked while wiping my face.
"Come out here for a second" he screamed, he was probably down the hall.

I bit my lip while looking at his diary. Should I ?

"Evan?" he screams.
"Yes I'm coming " I scream back taking his dairy, I walked to where I had put my bag and quickly stuff it in and walk outside.

The badboy's boyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant