The bad boy's boy gets carried away

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This is Mateo

Warning : mature content

1 Estas soñando despierto? : You are daydreaming

2 Incluso entiendes lo que estoy diciendo?: Do You even understand what I'm saying

3 Probablemente no entiende. Si quieres puedo ayudar a Evan: He probably does not understand. If you want I can help Evan.

4 , Mateo, por favor, ayúdelo. No me gusta cuando uno de mis estudiantes falla: Yes, Mateo, please help him. I do not like it when one of my students fails.


"I've never hurt you. Not the way you're hurting me " He whispers his breath fanning on my face. He was sitting really close to me.

"Yes you do. You've hurt me " I tell him.

"I'm sorry for that day. I was mad I didn't mean to hurt you like that. You've left me that day. You've left me when I needed you the most Jamie " he was close to tears, his eyes glistening.

"I'm sorry Mateo " I said.

"Me too Jamie. I'm sorry " Mateo whispers.

He leaned in, he was going to kiss me. I felt these weird tingles in my stomach.

Me heart skipped a beat when he pressed his lips against my own. I started moving my lips in the same rhythm as his.

I woke gasping for air. I felt my cheek throbbing. I looked, clutching my cheek.

My mother slapped me.

"Why would you do that Mom. I was sleeping ! " I whined kicking the covers.

She scoffs shaking her head.
"More like kissing the pillow and humping the covers " she said before walking away, pointing at my crotch.

The badboy's boyWhere stories live. Discover now