The bad boy's boy reality

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I woke up feeling his warmth. I snuggle closer to him.

I stare at his T-shirt. It was black like his soul.

I don't talk to bullies !

Every thing kyle said kept running through my mind.

You deserve everything Mateo's doing with you.

I did deserve everything he is doing to me.

I hate you Evan because of you I lost my best friend.

His best friend ? I don't even know his best friend. I only bullied one person.

Kyle's words running through me.

His best friend.
He only had one best friend. His neighbor. Mateo was his best friend.

I lost my best friend.

Kyle told me he lost his best friend because of a boy. Not Jacob but..

I immediately sit up. He moves around searching for my warmth.

Mateo was his neighbor. Mateo was his best friend. I bullied his best friend.

I bullied Mateo.

He isn't himself anymore. You destroyed him

I did this to him. The way he is. It is all my fault.

I can't believe the boy I pushed from the stairs was Mateo.

I suppressed a sob. I bit into my knuckles to keep from making a sound.

Everything makes sense right now. Everything he did to me. I deserved everything.

I stare at his face. His actions told me he was out on revenge.

Were his feelings real ? Did he truly like me. His bunny?

I quickly get of the bed and go downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen.

"Jamie ?" my mom calls for me.

"Mom" I answer my voice hoarse.

When I come in sight of her ,she frowns.

"Baby what's wrong ?" she asks walking closer to me.

I hug her instantly.

"I hurt him mom" I sob holding her tight.

"Who baby ?" she asks pating my back

"Mateo. I use to bully him" I croak.

She lets go of me and lets me sit down on a chair.

"Breath for me " she said soflty.

"Mom I bullied Mateo" I whispered. I can't believe I did those awful things to him.

"Calm down Baby. Where is he? Did he say something ?" she asks bringing me a glas of water.

I took a gulp, wiping my tears.

"Now tell me what happened " she said sitting down.

"Mom remember when I use..." I couldn't finish. The disgusting taste in my mouth didn't let me.

I took a deep breath.

"Mom the boy I use to bully is Mateo. Remember when he didn't came to school after the incident. He is that boy mom" I said. She looks shocked.

"Then you deserve everything he's doing to you" she said standing up.

I look at her knowing she was right.

The badboy's boyWhere stories live. Discover now