"Aye yes that's us pleased to meet you."

"Likewise, I'm Nick you two can just head off to the last room on the right you have complete privacy like you requested Kim no pagers no calls!"

"Thank you so much Nick I owe you one."

"No need to mention it you've done enough for my family besides it's all on Justin. I hope you two have a great time!"

Kimberley and Cheryl thanked Nick and the brunette followed the blondes lead towards the door, still clueless as to what they will be doing. Cheryl thought that she is doing a good job of hiding her fear of the unknown but Kimberley picked up on it rather quickly giving Cheryl a smile and taking her hand in hers guiding the younger woman towards a studio. Cheryl followed not noticing where she's going her attention is all on the hand that is now holding hers although rather loosely she still felt something.

"You can stop with the worrying Cheryl."

"I'm not worried."

"I can see your expression from a mile away, you haven't done this in a while haven't you?" Kimberley turned to look at Cheryl one hand still holding hers while the other ready to open the door.

"Done what?"

"I don't know went into something clueless, something unknown?"

"You forgot that I practically came to America without knowing anything."

"You're right but judging from your body language right now you seem to tense."

"What am I supposed to do Kimberley? Be all smiles as you drag me into a room with who knows what is inside?"

Kimberley laughed at the outburst and just opened the door leading Cheryl inside in amazement.


Nadine stayed behind at Lance's house to help take care of Teddy while Cheryl is off with Kimberley. The two of them have always been ships passing by in the night, tonight is the only time they have met each other and it seems that they're hitting it off like they have known each other for years.

"You're not worried that maybe Joan will find you two here?" Nadine questioned as she carried Teddy upstairs.

"Chez and I have our worries but we can't always live in fear. We have taken precautions though and let me tell you Nadine when we first arrived here it wasn't easy Cheryl was too afraid to get out of the house I was worried for her wellbeing along with our child."

"She's head strong isn't she that one?"

"Cheryl is yea sometimes I wonder how she stays so put together but knowing her she would just laugh at my face and tell me she isn't."

"She is pretty guarded took her a few nights out to stop being embarrassed about ranting and crying to me about NewCastle."

"Our home town let's just say it drains you from everything."


Cheryl stepped into the studio to see a row of mirrors on one side and a sound system on the top right. She hasn't been in a studio since she found out she was pregnant with Teddy and they wanted to be extra careful about their baby.

"H-How did you know?"

"I pieced some things together I saw a couple of pictures from around Lance's and Violet-"Cheryl cut Kimberley off at the mention of Violet's name.

"Wait Violet?"

"She and I had a run in a few days ago but besides that how do you like it? We have a few hours here courtesy of an old friend of mine Justin. I know it may not be as great or anything but it was completely last minute and I haven't been to any of these studios since I got promoted to teaching interns at the hospital. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two?"

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