Chapter 5 - Walls

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Growing up I was told to be guarded. Don't let others get in your head, that's dangerous. Keep that wall built up so no one will ever question anything. Unfortunately that's yet another thing that I have failed my mother on. There goes another thing to add to the list.

Cheryl dropped Teddy off at Lances house like usual. It's starting to hit her how much juggling being a mother and studying to become a surgeon is difficult. She hardly got a chance to go back to how it was before. Before she made this decision.

"Cheryl it's your lucky day." Doctor Williams approached her group of interns.

"Why is that?"

"You're in for your first surgery. Doctor Scarfe."

"Nice Chez. You're in for heart surgery." Sarah nudged her.

"Scrub in Cheryl. No need for rounds you're assigned to his service for today."

Cheryl nodded heading off to the operation room, bumping into none other than Kimberley Walsh.



"Here I bought you some coffee on the way here." Kimberley handed her a grande Starbucks cup. Cheryl looked down at the coffee cup. "Its just coffee."

"Thank you. Really." Cheryl grabbed the coffee and headed off towards the direction of the operation room waving a very confused Kimberley out of her way.


"Do you think something's going on with Cheryl and Doctor Walsh?" Lily brought up to the other two.

"I don't think so I mean clearly Cheryl looks to be flirting with Doctor Scarfe." Nicola spoke.

Sarah butted in grabbing some charts from behind both of them. Laughing in the process.

"You two don't even know what you're going to find out." Sarah smirked.

"What are you talking about? It's pretty obvious Doctor Scarfe is quite into Cheryl. I mean have you seen the way he looks her up and down ever time she walks by?" Nicola tried to defend her case.

"Oh just wait and see young one." Sarah singed and walked away.

Lily and Nicola stood there quite confused as to why Sarah just said what she said. Has she implied that Cheryl in fact does have a thing for Kimberley? Sarah Harding is quite an observant one always in the back looking at others almost ready to in fact pin point to exactly what they're going to do.

"Don't you see Scarfe and Cheryl Lil?" Nicola spoke up to Lily.

"You're on this by yourself Nicola. I stand by Chim." Lily winked heading off to the clinic outside letting Nicola to forget exactly what her job is for the day.


Cheryl walked beside Chris Scarfe the extraordinary cardiovascular surgeon. He had a lot of credit that came along with his name. Everyone would kill to work with him, everyone except Cheryl in this very moment. She hoped that she would at least get a heads up before her very first surgery rather than walking in with less than 3 hours of sleep, completely unprepared. This isn't in the traditional Cheryl Fernandez-Versini fashion.

"For today's surgery we're just going to repairing to suture up the remaining heart tissue that has managed to break apart. Quite a simple procedure you'll be handling the heart." Chris looked over at Cheryl to notice she has drifted off into space, he laughed lightly at the sight of the intern. "Doctor Fernandez-Versini."

"I'm so sorry Doctor Scarfe." Cheryl shook her head taking yet another sip from her coffee that Kimberley had given. The person who has managed to imprint herself into Cheryl's thick skull.

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