Chapter 22: The Plan

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The Plan - Ian Dawn

Cassie had texted me to come up and meet her at her desk, I suspected that she might want to go over a couple of case related questions before we headed out. I was walking in to the main office area, when I noticed that Joe had just walked up to Cassie. He was talking to her and he looked nervous. I’d been keeping an eye on him for some time now and I knew that he clearly cared for her as more than a colleague.

I arrived to her desk just as Joe was asking her out.

“No I meant, I would like to take you out for drinks as a date…,” as Joe spoke those words, it was like Cassie froze. I could see how a million thoughts were rushing through her head. I noticed Joe looking at her intently, not even noticing the fact that I had just walked up next to them.

I heard myself speak, “I don’t think that’s something that is appropriate to ask Joe.” He stared at me, daggers were thrown from his eyes. If he hadn’t been such a mild mannered guy, who believe in a sort of black and white ethical view of right and wrong, he would have definitely punched me at this point. I looked at Cassie, she was staring back at me. She still looked unable to speak. I know this is not a situation for me to get involved in. But I also know that Joe’s view on life is entirely different from the way we do things in The Society. Stern has already sent Jennifer to Alaska because he felt that she was a threat. What would he do to Joe, if he found out that he was dating her daughter?

“You see Joe, I don’t mean to be rude but Cassie is actually still dealing with her breakup from Duncan. I don’t think she’s ready to start dating again. Are you?” I directed my question to Cassie, who gently shook her head. I could see that her eyes were filled with questions that she would undoubtedly ask me later. Joe stared at us both, he had just revealed his feelings and been turned down. He looked as if he was in physical pain.

I grabbed Cassie gently at the elbow, “Are you ready to go?” She nodded still mute, still with eyes staring at me. I could tell that we would have a conversation about this later. But right now all I cared about was clearing her away from this situation. She’s still a baby to The Society, she doesn’t understand how deep it runs or how careful you have to be with who you involve yourself with. I couldn’t let her walk into another situation as the one with Jennifer or the one with Duncan…

She grabbed her bag and I quickly walked with her towards the elevators.

Cassie looked at me as we walked out of the building, she looked both shocked and numb. She simply said, “Let go around to park.” She started to lead the way and I quickly followed her.

As we reached the park, she sat down on a park bench and stared out in to space.

“Why did you do that?” her voice was flat.

“I’m sorry. I know I completely took over that situation but I had to. Even if you really like Joe, which I suspect that you don’t…” I looked at her, she shrugged her shoulders passively. “You can’t date him now. We are so close to the trial.”

She looked up at me, her shock seemed to have subsided and she looked angry, “What does that have to do with anything? I’m not saying that I want to go on a date with him, but if I did what would that have to do with the trial?” her voice was rising, she was standing up now. Not quite shouting but definitively getting there. I knew she would be angry, but I just couldn’t see any other way out of this. “How come you know about Duncan? We have never talked about it!” she was shouting now. Standing by the park bench, in the relative darkness of the park.

“I’m sorry Cassie. It’s just we are so close to the trial. Stern and the fellows would have to be involved if you started dating Joe. He already sent Jennifer to Alaska, so what do you think would happen if you grew really close to Joe.”

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