chapter 18 - The Badass Seed

Start from the beginning

Mara, Lucy and Emily were talking at the side of the hallway.

"Mara, that was amazing," Lucy told her. "But what if you get fired for that?"

Mara shrugged. "I'm sure that everyone who counts knows what this is about and will know that Nick was in the wrong, and he needed to be set straight. Along with the students in this place."

From 1.17 "The New Normal", in Emily's Car, Paige suddenly put a hand on Emily's head, leaning closer to kiss her, surprising her so much she didn't even close her eyes. She pulled away, looking scared. "Don't tell."

From 1.16 "Je Sui Une Amie", in the kitchen of the Hastings House, Peyton and Melissa were talking about Ian.

Melissa walked closer. "Whatever it is you're holding onto, it's got to stop."

"I think he's dangerous," Peyton told her. "Melissa, I don't want to fight."

Melissa smiled. "Peyton, we're pregnant."

Peyton was stunned, not knowing how to react.

From 1.17 "The New Normal", in Ezra's apartment, Aria and Ezra were making out on the couch, trying to ignore the ringing phone, laying down.

The answering machine picked up the voicemail. "Mr. Fitz, this is Byron Montgomery, Aria's dad." Aria and Ezra both immediately stopped and sat up in surprise, looking at the phone. "Look, I'm sorry about how our meeting went. I owe you a make-good on that, so maybe we could have a beer?"

---- / -----

Day One 

Morning - Rosewood High School - Auditorium

The school was putting on 'The Bad Seed' as a production for the school play.

Everyone was in the auditorium.

Mara was helping Ezra with the play productions. "If you're trying out for 'The Bad Seed', you need to sign up here and wait by the auditorium door until your name is called. Thank you, and good luck."

Pen, Lucy, Madison and Peyton were sitting on the floor in a circle. Aria, Spencer, Emily, Hanna and Dakota  were sitting in the chairs behind them.

Emily looked at Lucy. "It is amazing that the school took Mara's side, and our side, against Nick McCullers and didn't fire Mara after she went off on him."

"It was amazingly justifiable," Lucy told them. "There's no way that Mara should have been fired for putting a parent that was out of control by bullying Emily and Dakota in his place."

"At least everyone finally stopped staring at us, for the kidnapping, the Grille blowout, and Emily being who she is," Dakota told them. "You know, I really have to thank Mara soon."

The girls smiled, looking at their scripts.

"Let's start with the line about the stolen medal," Peyton told them.

Hanna looked at a nearby girl. "Why isn't she wearing any shoes?"

"So she can look short enough to play an eight-year-old," Aria answered.

"What's my line?" Peyton asked.

"I don't see anything about a medal," Pen told them.

"No, that's what the eight-year-old killed her classmate for," Spencer told them. "Penmanship medal. That's why the call her the bad seed."

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