
When we were in S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry and I tell everyone how Dr. McGee knew it was us and I look over to her. "So, how did you know?" I ask her as I place a hand on my hip. "Your real identity?" she asks and both Barry and I nod. "Come on, Barry, I'm a scientist. We're paid to be perceptive. And you're always a little too well-informed when things go pear-shaped in this city." she says and I nod. "Also, you don't seem to mind where you display public affection for each other, whether you're in your suits or not." she says and I blush as I look away from her. "Damn! She called you lovebirds out!" Cisco says and I glare at him. "Shut up, Cisco." I say to him and he just laughs. Dr. McGee then turns to look at Henry, "But I don't believe we've ever met before. Dr. Christina McGee." she says as she holds her hand out to him. "Dr. Henry Allen. I'm Barry's father." Henry says to her and she smiles at him. "Ok, now that the cat's out of the bag, did you happen to see who it was that caused your building to collapse?" Barry asks her. 

"I didn't see anything, it happened so fast." Dr. McGee says.

"Maybe the security cameras caught something?" Caitlin says.

"Can we access them?" Henry asks her.

"Mercury Labs does have a crash-survivable memory unit." she tells us.

"A what?" 

"Virtually, a blackbox for buidlings. I will have stored all the security footage right up until the building collapsed." 

"Ok, great, I'll go find it." Barry says.

"This wasn't some random meta-human. Whenever Mercury Labs has been targeted in the past, there's always been a specific reason." I say.

"Yeah, someone's after something." Cisco says.

"Yes, and that someone is probably Zoom." Caitlin says and I nod.

I look over to Barry as he nods in agreement and look down as I try to think why Zoom would want anything from Mercury Labs. "There may be one more possibility." Dr. McGee says and we all look at her. "A few months ago, I saw Harrison Wells running out of my facility. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm certain it was him." she says and I widen my eyes. "Is there anyway he could have done anything to do with this?" she asks and I look at Barry and the others. "A few months ago. Sure. Now? No." Harry says as he walks in and I widen my eyes again as I turn to look at Dr. McGee who looked at Harry in shock. "Yeah, there are a few things that we could catch you up on, Dr. McGee." Barry says and I look at him and nod in agreement.


After explaining everything to Dr. McGee, Barry went back to the site to get the blackbox that had all the security footage. Barry speeds into the Cortex holding up a box to Dr. Mcgee, "Is this it?" he asks her. "That's the one." she responds and Barry hands her the box. "Dad, Dr. McGee, Cisco, why don't you guys crack this open, see what you can find." Barry tells them and they nod when Jesse and Harry come toward us. "We'll go see what kind of meta-human powers can take down a building like that, and how to stop it." Harry says and both he and Jesse walk out. "Alright, I'm gonna go see if Joe needs any help in the streets." Barry says and I nod. "I'll go with you." I say and he nods knowing that we could use all the help we could get. "Everybody cool here? Should be a piece of cake, right?" Barry says and I sigh as I turn to Cisco and Harry and we all sigh. "Shall we?" I ask Henry and he nods as we both make our way over to Barry. "Hey, slugger." Henry calls him and Barry turns to look at us. "Can we talk to you for a minute?" he asks him. "Yeah, sure. What's up?" he asks and I look over to Henry. "You start." I tell Henry and he nods, then looks at Barry. "Well, I know you said that what happened to you in the Speed Force changed the way you see things. But you seem very optimistic, you know, with a lot of meta-humans running around, tearing up the city. What, did you see the future in there?" Henry asks him.

"Um... Not this time. No, I... Look, what I was shown in the Speed Force it didn't just change my mind, it changed me." Barry says and I look at him confusingly. "I don't know, I mean, what you're seeing as optimism is... For the first time, I'm just not afraid anymore."

"Barry... That's great. But, you know that you still have to be careful, right?" I ask him and he looks at me in confusion.

"What do you mean?" he asks me.

"Well..." Henry tries to say something, but Barry seemed to get the point.

"I don't... Why are you guys trying to take something away from me that I've fought so hard to get to?" Barry asks.

"Barry." Henry calls him.

"Babe, we're not trying to take anything away from you." I tell him.

"You don't know everything that I've been through. You haven't even been here long enough to know, Dad." Barry says and I furrow my brows at him. "I didn't mean... I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that." 

"I think I do. I haven't been around." Henry says and he walks up to Barry. "To teach you how to drive or take you to look at colleges, but I've done everything in my power to know who you are. Barry, we don't want to take anything away from you. We believe in you. This isn't about my not believing in you." 

"I know that. And I'm fine, ok?" Barry says. "Thank you. Thank you very much for worrying about me. I love you, but I'm fine." 

I walk up to him and he looks at me, "Barry..." I call him, but we suddenly hear an alert and we run back to the Cortex. "What is that?" Barry asks as we walk into the Cortex. "It's C.C.P.D." Cisco responds and I look at the screen to see the lightning bolt on the side of the building. "Zoom." Barry says and I look at him knowing what he was going to do. "Barry, don't do it." I tell him, but he doesn't listen and zips out of the Cortex. "I swear, his stubbornness is pushing me to the limit." I say and suddenly, there was an alert of a building being attacked near C.C.P.D. "I'm going." I say as I was about to dash to the garage, but Henry stops me. "It's gonna be too late when you get there, Tori." Henry tells me and I sigh knowing that Cisco would say the same thing if I looked at him. Suddenly, Barry zips back in and we all look at him intently. "We can't let Zoom destroy another building. We need to take him down. Now." Barry says and I just look down as he turns to look at us. "And how do you propose we do that with an army of meta-humans laying waste to Central City?" Harry asks him. "We couldn't stop Zoom on my Earth. What makes us different?" Harry asks again and I look at Barry. "We're a team. We start with the meta-humans, they're his armor. We take them down first, then Zoom's more vulnerable." Barry says. "Barry, we don't even know how many of his minions there are." Caitlin says and I nod in agreement. "There could be hundreds, a thousand." I say as I shrug and look at him.

"And all of them, they're all working with different powers." Cisco says and I nod.

"It could take weeks to track 'em all down." Joe says.

"Guys, we don't have weeks. So what we need to do is come up with a way to stop them all at once." Barry says.

"Again, how?" Harry asks.

"Cisco. Your goggles, your camera, they didn't work on Earth-2, right?" Barry asks Cisco.

"Yeah, it was all a different frequency." Cisco says.

"And the way you took down the Time Wraiths? That was based on frequency. Hartley's entire shtick..." Barry says and I finally get where he's getting to.

We all walk over to Barry, knowing what he was now thinking. "I think I'm smelling what you're stepping in." Cisco says as he looks at Barry. "Yeah." Harry says understanding Barry's plan. "So, basically, we create some sort of vibrational tech that could take down the Earth-2 metas." Cisco says and I smile as Barry nods. "I like it." Harry says with a smile of his own. "Me, too." Cisco says with a smirk. "I'll help." Caitlin says and they all walk out of the Cortex. "I'm sure Iris will let us know if she hears anything from CCPN." Joe says and I nod. "You guys, we got this." Barry says and I sigh quietly as I look over to Joe. "Bar, can I talk to you for a second?" Joe asks him and Barry nods. Barry wraps his arm around me, kisses my temple, and walks into the other room. "Tori, you wanna join us?" Joe asks me and I shake my head. "I think I should just stay here. I've had my fill of trying to talk to Barry right now." I say and he nods. I then walk out of the Cortex and head to the training room to train a bit.

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