Gina and Josh ❤

Start from the beginning

"Hey, yourself." Gina said as she turned to Josh smiling.

It caused Josh to smile too as he spoke, "I'm Josh, I uhm, I saw your set tonight."

Gina smiled even wider, "Did you enjoy the show?"

"Yeah, it was incredible." Josh complimented.

"Aw, thank you. I'm here all the time, but I never seen you."

"Oh, yeah, I don't come here often. I, just kind of stumbled upon this place." Josh chuckled.

"I'm glad you did." Gina giggled.

"Have you played anything bigger than, you know," Josh motioned to the room they were in,"this." He chuckled again.

"No, I'm making my way up though." Gina replied.

"Well playing like that will shoot you to the top." Josh took a sip of his soda.

"You think so?" Gina looked at him blushing.

"I know so." He smiled at her.

There was a moment of silence between the two. It wasn't quite awkward, but neither was sure what to say.

"Hey, you know there's a diner around the corner. It's kind of late for dinner, but would you like to come with me?" Gina suddenly offered.

"I could go for a bite to eat." Josh smiled. He got up from his stool and held one of his hands out for Gina to take.

For the second time already, Gina blushed, but she gladly took his hand.

The walk was short and quiet. Josh would catch Gina stealing a glance at them. They would both blush and look down at their shoes. Silently laughing at themselves and how they were acting like a couple of school girls.

They settled down in a booth at the diner. There were very few people there, besides the workers. Actually, they were the only customers.

Their waitress was an incredibly nice person. She seemed older, but she was funny, and kept the mood from being awkward when she came around. The best kind of waitress to ask for on a first date, right?

Wait, is this a date? Do I treat this like a date? Josh's mind wondered. If I treat this like a date, I'll get even more nervous.

Gina giggled, bring Josh from his thoughts. "What are you thinking about over there?"

"Oh, uh, nothing." Josh lightly blushed and looked down at his drink.

"Ever been here before?" Gina questioned.

"No, I'm not usually on this side of town. You?" Josh answered.

" A few times. I recommend the hash browns." Gina smiled.

Josh laughed, "I'll give them a try."

There was more food talk, until the actual food showed up. Josh didn't notice how hungry he was. He also couldn't remember if he had a proper meal until now.

"How long have you been playing?" Josh broke the silence this time.

"Awhile. Since I was in my early teens. " Gina picked at her plate.

"Me too, I started out as a drummer though."

Gina looked up, "Yeah, I figured."

"How so?" Josh raised his eyebrows.

"I saw you in the crowd while I was performing. You tap your feet and hands like a drummer would." Gina replied.

Josh blushed heavily. He had no idea that he did those things. It's not something he thought about, he just did it.

"It's really cute." Gina commented. Josh looked up at her and his eyes went wide.

There was a bit of ketchup on the side of Gina's face. Josh tried to stifle his laugh.

"G-Gina you," he laughed a little, "You have some, uh." Josh pointed to his face.

"Oh God. Is there something on my face." Gina asked. Josh nodded quickly, laughing a little more.

Gina panicked and looked for a napkin. She finally got one and wiped her face. Gina wiped most of it away; except for the ketchup that smeared onto her chin.

Josh couldn't hold it in any longer. He gave a full hearty laugh, something he hadn't done in a while.

"Oh that's just so funny isn't it?" Gina squinted at Josh.

"Sorry, it's just cute." Josh replied. He was almost in tears from laughing.

"Aw, well you'll be happy to know, that some of your hashbrowns made it into your hair." Gina giggled.

"What?" Josh ran a hand through his hair. He actually did get hashbrowns in it. He pulled the greasy potatoes out of his hair, and plopped it on his own napkin. He had an exaggerated frown, showing his disgust.

It was Gina's turn to laugh. She fell over in her seat. Josh couldn't help but laugh with her. They both were embarrassed, but the moment was priceless.

"At least we know we're compatible." Josh spoke after their laughter died down, "Ketchup and hashbrowns go great together."

Gina agreed, "One of the best combinations." She giggled.

The diner had to close soon, so the two were basically kicked out. Josh offered to escort Gina home, but her apartment was less than a block away. He still wanted to walk her, but Josh excepted that this was where they would go their separate was.

"Josh, this was so much fun." Gina said.

"It really was." Josh smiled, rocking back and forth on his heels. "Let's uh, let's do it, this, again."

"Yeah, absolutely!" Gina grinned up at Josh. One number swap, and a hug later Josh and Gina both went home with huge smiles on their faces.

Josh couldn't wait to tell Flea about the incredible woman he met tonight. He'll get a kick out of the whole story.

((Author's note))
Hey everyone! I'm really excited about this one, cause I thought it was cute and I feel like Josh would totally find small places around LA to visit. Anyway I hope it was as fluffy as you wanted it Gina!

I have so many updates planned, just you guys wait! Next imagine is Emily and Chad!

Word count: 1,404

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