Chapter 1

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Caitlin's P.O.V.

**Before I get started I just wanted to say that I am going to skip ahead just a little bit. Caitlin already met Derek at woods. Instantly she hates him, I'm going to start off mid season. Like I said this isn't going to follow the show completely. It will have some from the show but I'm going to add some work in here.

Cops. There were cops everywhere at school. The night before Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Jackson, Allison, and I were trapped in the school because of the freaking alpha beast. Scott lied saying the alpha was Derek Hale. He was mysterious but I detested him being the fact that it's his fault that my best friend is now a werewolf.

I sat on the desk staring at the test booklet in front of me. How can I take a test with everything that's happened?! Everyone walked in slowly. Mr. Harris began speaking about how we have 45 minutes to complete the exam. He also spoke about how by just printing our name that is 45 percent of our grade.

I chuckled to myself when I turned to my left to see Stiles rapidly began writing down his name.

"You may begin" Mr. Harris spoke.

The class began quiet as I started the test. I exhaled softly as my eyes scanned through the questions. I randomly answered a question but erased it right after. I picked up my head when Scott ran out of the classroom, followed by Stiles. Mr. Harris called after them both but they ran out.

"Damn.." I stood up and began walking towards the door.

"Ms. Stilinski"

I stopped and turned to him "Sit" He demanded

I groaned under my breath before walking back to my seat to complete my test. After the 45 minutes went by it was time for lunch. I walked throughout the hallway holding my toe books in my arms. I turned a corner and saw Scott sitting with his lunch tray beside him. I saw him banging his head against the wall, he did it again this time damaging the wall behind him.

I turned back and leaned my back against the wall. I let out a deep sigh, this is all Derek's fault.


That night at my house Stiles was heading to the door with a bag in his hand.

"Hey" I said as I approached him "Where are you going?"

"Uh, just to Scott's house" He said with a small shrug.

"Tonight's the full moon. Are you gonna chain him up? What if that doesn't work?" I asked.

"I got another plan"

"Can I come?" I took one step towards the front door.

He stopped me by putting his arm in front of me "I don't think so"

"What? Why not?" I complained.

"Because I need you here safe, see you in the morning" He cheerfully said before walking out.

I groaned loudly before walking to the kitchen to make food. I made a sandwich and popped popcorn. I walked up to my room and sat on the bed making myself comfortable and turning on the tv.

Journey from Hatred to Love (Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now