First Youtube Video *facepalm*

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I never thought the day would come where I would actually post anything on Youtube *insert facepalm* but, it was for a class group project. So, well. Yeah, I had to do upload it. It's so embarassing actually.

Anyway, let me talk a little bit about the video first before I proceed to shamelessly promote it LOL😂😂

Anyway, the purpose of the video is to show the viewers the 5 important places around our university. There are 4 of us in our group including our cameraman and editor.

Now, to the shameless part.

If it's possible, would you guys kindly check out the video? It would mean the world to me!

Also, be nice and don't bash people, okay? I like constructive feedbacks but, not insults. Let's all be friends.

Thanks for the consideration~~

Here's the link to the video:

(also in the comments and I'll be posting on my profile later on as well)

Thank you again and see ya!


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