Chapter 5 ~ Requested Assistance ~

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Megumi slipped on her shoes and tapped it on the floor as a habit. She tidied her uniform before going out of the house.

"Megumicchi!" Kise jumped from the side of the wall. His face was close to Megumi's.

"W-What are you doing here, Kise-kun?" Megumi covered her face with her hands.

"Ah, Minako-senpai said you always go to school extra early. So, here I am! Ready for school." He saluted.


"I want to walk to school with Megumicchi!" The blonde beamed, flashing his perfect set of teeth.

"You don't have to," Megumi said, looking away.

"It's okay! I want to.." Kise grabbed her hands and led the way to school. "Let's go!"


It was still very early when they arrived and no one else was there yet. The school was pretty eerie due to the lack of human presence. The two changed into their indoor shoes and went up to their class.

Kise was surprised to see that Megumi's desk and chair was missing.

"Eh, where-" Kise looked over at Megumi who just put on a calm face.

"Don't worry. This happens all the time," Megumi said. She just turned her back and walked off somewhere.

"Ne, Megumicchi.. Where are you going?" Kise quickly caught up to her.

"To the place where my desk and chair is," Megumi answered simply.

"Um, where would that be?"

Megumi stopped abruptly.

"I don't know.." Then she walked off again.

She kept walking while opening doors to other classrooms and even washrooms.

Kise just followed her around.

"How can we tell if it's your desk and chair?"

"I sticked a piece of paper with my name on it." Megumi kept searching.

Knowing how to identify the two things, Kise helped her search for it.

At last, they came to the roof. They looked around for a bit before finally finding Megumi's desk in a far corner. Kise's eyes widened when he saw that the desk was filled with hurtful and insulting words. There were more than one handwriting so, it was more than one person doing all this to Megumi.

Megumi held both sides of the desk but, Kise stopped her.

"Let me," Kise gently took her hands off the desk and replaced it with his.

"You don't have to."

"I want to," Kise ruffled her hair soothingly.

They washed the desk using the hose at the back the school. Thankfully, the paint was washable.

After they returned the desk to the classroom, they continued to look for Megumi's chair. As they looked for it, a question popped into Kise's head.

"Ne, Megumicchi.. Is this why you always go to school early?" Kise asked her with a worried face.

"Mhm.." Megumi nodded.

"You should tell the student counsil about this, you know. This is clearly bullying!" Kise suggested as Megumi went into a boy's washroom.

"It's alright. I'm used to it," Megumi opened each toilet. Nothing.

They walked to the East wing of the school.

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