Chapter 38

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First of all I hadn't proofread so be prepared for some grammatical errors, misplaced and misspelt words and such. Secondly, please enjoy....

As I stood there in the hospital hallway outside Madison's room listening to Mom and Harvey scolding me about being irresponsible and neglecting my task as well as Madison's family stressing and blaming me and my family- mainly Harvey- for putting their daughter under the protection of an amateur child (me) resulting in her attack, I honestly couldn't help but feel totally guilty and I knew that all my apologies and excuses now were pointless and useless. I was given one job- a very major one- and I put my life issue before it and neglected to do what I was supposed to be doing and that was protecting Madison. When I had gotten back to the house all I saw was blood on the floor right in the entrance then Harvey called me telling me to get to the hospital.

Madison was attacked and smashed over the head with something and then drugged. It was a good thing I had called mom when I did and she rushed over to the house and got to Madison. Mom had called an ambulance before taking Madison and met the ambulance part way. She was foaming at the mouth while being unconscious, she was lucky to be alive. The doctors said that she did not have enough drugs in her system that would've killed her immediately but if they had waited at least 20minutes more to find her she would've died. The doctors knew what they were doing and so they flushed the drug from her system and patched her up. They had informed us that fortunately there were no damage to her brain so there shouldn't be any long term issues however, she had been in a form of coma for about 6 hours now, it was almost 10 pm and she still hasn't woke up as yet. It was now that I knew how senior agents before me felt when their mission failed or they didn't get to an incident on time. In our training back at Cleaners, they had taught us about not getting sidetracked from our missions. They had warned us about getting distracted and I of all people- who always thought to be the most professional and one of the leaders- got distracted and sidetracked from my main missions. My distraction was Tyler, because of my involvement with him and not being able to be honest with him from the start caused all this to happened. They often said that lies and secrets will come back to bite you in the ass, well I had been bitten. I was to be blamed for what has happened to. Madison, had I not been sidetracked and put myself and my issues first, there was a possibility that this could've been prevented.

"Excuse me, Mr and Mrs. Alveranga" A doctor called catching our attention "Your daughter has just woken up"

"Oh thank God" Mrs.Alveranga said clasping her hands together "Can we see her"

"Sure. She may be a bit disoriented though" the doctor responded "Please, the all of you cannot go in at once"

"That's okay doctor we understand" mom responded.

"I'm not allowed to go see her am I?" I said to them once Madison's parents had gone in.

"No, you've done enough" Mom said still upset with me "You had one task, just one and what did you do? You neglected it and ran off on your own errand. Cassie I thought you were more professional and responsible than that. How could you send her off on her own when you knew things had gotten more serious? You were attacked while going out by yourself so what did you expect would happened to Madison if you sent her off on her own? Maybe you shouldn't be taken on anymore missions from now on- I'm going to make sure of it"

"Mom please, I made a mistake. I'm sorry, I got sidetracked and I just thought since we caught those two guys the other day that they would have gotten scared and lay low for a while" I said to her "I never thought this would've happened but that doesn't mean I'm unfit to perform my job"

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