Chapter 31

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Few months later-September new school term

It was crazy just how fast time flies. Its like only yesterday the new year had started and it s almost finished once again. I can't believe that it's been exactly a year since I've met Tyler, Debra, Lucan and the others. And precisely ten months since Tyler and I have been together. I only moved to New York and start High school as a junior last year and time seemed to passed so quick. Tyler and I had been inseparable ever since and over the summer break I had gotten closer to his family for the couple weeks I spent here around them.

I had spent July in Atlanta with the rest of my family as well as at cleaners and going on missions. I had even been training some more as we all know that without continuous practice you may tend to get a little rusty with your skills plus there is always a possibility of improving. I also helped trained junior recruits back at cleaners, giving them tips, advice and so one. I hadn't known it would feel this good to be a mentor that the others looked up to. And of course my friends there were ecstatic to have me there with them.

In the first week of August I had came back to New York to spend the remainder of the summer with my boyfriend and friends her. I got to meet some of his other family, his grandparents, his aunt- Emilia and her husband Marc and his uncle Dominic and his wife Kathleen and all  their kids- his cousins. They were all younger than him though, the oldest cousin was his uncle- Dominic's daughter Malika who was 16- just a couple months older than his siblings-Alexandra and Jovanni. Malika doesn't go to our school though so that's why I never got the chance to meet her. The others were still in middle school and then there was his smallest cousin-Amanda. She is 2years old and the sweetest toddler ever- not that I've been around much toddler before, probably the reason why I instantly fell in love with Amanda. She mostly looked like her dad Marc more than Tyler's aunt Emilia.

Alex -Tyler's sister- and I had gotten close as well, she was awfully sneaky though that's what I got to find out. She was good at hiding things from her family, for example their father said that she wasn't allowed to date until she was 18 but she had a boyfriend who no one else would've guessed is her boyfriend since they hardly even spoke in public and at school. I only found out because I borrowed her phone once to call Tyler because she and I were hanging out with Debra and Mila and I had forgotten my phone at home, the minute she lend me the phone she accidentally left the message bar opened and I saw a suggestive message from the guy. She begged me not to say anything to her brother and I decided to keep her secret.

Jovanni was another story. If you ever take him seriously you'd go crazy or kill him. He was just as much as a troublemaker and sweet talker like Tyler. Sometimes I think he was worst though and don't get me started on how much of a flirt he was. It was his hobby to flirt with me when Tyler was around just to piss him off but I know that he wasn't serious and I got the feeling he was trying to get Mila's attention. He's asked me about her like a million times and asked if I could be his 'wing woman' and put in a good word for him. However, I told him that he was good at flirting and had game. He was in class with her and knew her for a while so he should just grow a pair and talk to her himself. Overall, this summer was the best summer I've ever had. It was only a pity that it had finally came to an end and it was time for school again.

"I can't believe Mr. McArthur, in fact I can't believe any of these teachers here" Debra complained at lunch "Its only the end of the first week back at school and they're already piling on the excess assignments"

"I know right, I already feel like I'm going to go crazy. I'm going to be swamped for the entire weekend" Shauna joined in "I'm already missing summer"

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