Chapter 35

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"Where are you going?" Madison asked as I took up my gym bag and keys and came out of my room.

"Where does it look like I'm going? I'm heading to the gym" I said heading down the stairs.

"What about me?" Madison asked tailing me.

"Uh, what about you?" I asked back.

"You're leaving me here? What am I suppose to do till then?"

"I don't know Madison. What do you normally do on a Saturday?" I responded jogging down the stairs "Mom and Harvey is here, I don't see any reason why I have to stay and babysit you"

"If I'm going to be here much longer, I'm going to need more clothes" Madison said to me "I can't keep repeating the same old clothes from last week"

"There's this thing called the wash. You wash your clothes then wear them again, I repeat my clothes. And if I can do it so can you" I said to her as I headed for the kitchen "But in case you're going to die or have a heart attack if you have to repeat your clothes then have mom or Harvey drive you home to pick up some new ones. I looked out for you all week last week, I deserve some personal me time today"

"Isn't that your job? What you're paid to do?" Madison asked still trailing behind me.

"Uh Madison are you paying me?" I asked as I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

"No but..."

"Good, seeing that you weren't the one who hired me and I'm not exactly one your payroll then you don't have much say in when or how I choose to do this thing" I said to her "Anything you need from now on just talk to mom or Harvey"

"How come you call your dad by his first name? Harvey?"

"How come you think that's any of your business? Later Madison, and like I said talk to Mom" I said walking out "Mother! I'm off!"

For the past five or more minutes since I've left the house I noticed this black car tailing me. At first I didn't think anything of it but after making the last three turns and seeing the car doing the same
I was starting to suspect that this wasn't a coincidence- I was being followed. I decided to try testing my theory by speeding up and the car behind me did the same thing and by this I realized that I was right.
I reached over into my gym bag and pulled out the handheld gun I had stashed in there and putting it in my lap. I took out my phone and decided to call mom in case I may need back up.

"Hey mom, so there's this conspicuous car tailing me since I left the house. I think I'm being followed or something.....At first I hadn't noticed I just thought it was some random car going the same place as I was but I doubt it's a coincidence anymore.... No I'm not near the gym yet but I don't think I'm heading there just yet....No mom I'm thinking of pulling off the main road and head onto Duncan's Avenue..... Yes, I know that's usually a desolate road that's why I am choosing that way... I maybe able to handle it if it's not anything serious or if I'm not outnumbered....that's why I called you in case I need help. You can catch up to me in less than five minutes if you drive fast enough... Come on mom, you're a cop, use that to your advantage.... Alright I'll try stalling or go around the round about two times so hurry because when I pull off the main road if I'm outnumbered I may need help, I only have one gun......yeah okay"

I tried doing exactly what I had told mom I would do by driving around with no real destination planned just so that I could buy myself more time until Mom was closer. My procedure only further prove what I had already assumed- about being tailed- was true. I finally had enough of the pointless driving around and decided that I was going to drive down that road. I wasn't big on running and driving around and stalling seems pretty much like running. There were only a few vehicles on that road and I decided to drive a bit slowly so that the other cars could pass me and I could get to see who the hell was following me. As soon as most of the cars had passed I jerked forward as the car behind me bumped into the car.

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