Chapter 2 ~ Alone

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**Skylar POV**

As the bus drove past my house I got a better look, and I was alarmed.  Neighbors were now surrounded the scene, and policemen were trying to keep them away. There were three ambulances, and the first was just taking off down the street.

I frantically grabbed my backpack and ran down the aisle of the bus. The driver barely had time to open the door when I flew out.  I stepped onto the hard sidewalk and made a dead sprint to my house; I could tell Jennifer was hot on my heels.

I pushed past all the people, including Jenn’s mom who tried to stop me but I couldn’t stop, I had to know what was going on.

I tried to duck under the police tape but was stopped by one of the policemen trying to hold me back.

“Let me go!” I yelled frantically, “Get off of me” I was near tears. I never was good with holding back tears, I would cry at some of the simplest things. And this was defiantly not simple.

“I’m sorry Miss, but you’ll—” he didn’t get to finish because I was now yelling.

“THIS IS MY HOUSE! What’s happening?”

He suddenly stopped and looked at me sternly “what’s your name Miss?”

“Skylar Cherry” I responded hysterically.

Realization shown on his face, and he pulled me back under the tape “sorry Miss, I didn’t realize you were Skylar”

“What do you mean? Tell me what’s going on!” I demanded again as I saw the second ambulance depart from my driveway.

He led me to another policeman who was writing on a note pad. They spoke briefly before the first man left and the second put away his notepad and started talking to me.

“Miss,” he spoke very seriously, and it only scared me more. “Minuets ago we got a call from one of your neighbors, saying they heard shooting,” my throat tightened up. “Once we arrived we found your mother, father, and brother lying on the ground,” I think I forgot to breathe at that point. “Each with a bullet in them,” by this point I was hyperventilating. “Each of them was put into their own ambulance. You father’s and your brother’s have already left,” he then pointed to the last ambulance that looked to be loading and getting ready to head off, or at least I thought it looked that way, my vision was so blurred by tears now. “That one is your mother’s,” I looked over again and could just imagine my mom in there. “If you would like, I think it would be ok for you to ride in there with her…”

I didn’t hear the rest of his sentence, as I was already sprinting the short ways there, and with receiving wary glances from the paramedics, I jumped in and almost froze.

Lying on a gurney, a thin, tall, brunette haired women, was strapped in and connected to all sorts of needles and complicated machines. I sat on the built in bench on the side wall, grabbed my mom’s hand, and squeezed it tight. I then started to sob, I knew the ambulance was moving and the sirens were blaring, but it seemed so far away.

I was taken out of my reverie when I heard a high-pitched beeping.

I was almost knocked out of the way as the two paramedics in the ambulance rushed to my mom. I could sense they were yelling something to each other but I couldn’t comprehend it.

Mom I love you! You’re gonna be fine!

I kept thinking that to myself. As much as I wanted to believe that, I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Suddenly I looked up and we were almost there, almost to the hospital. Come on, just a little faster, and then everything will be fine.


One long, monotone beep. That’s what I heard. The paramedics stopped what they were doing, and glanced at each other before looking at me with pitying looks.

That feeling of dread increased by thousands as I looked at the monitor, not wanting to believe it.

My nightmare was confirmed.

One long, monotone line. That’s what I saw.


I should be crying, no, bawling more like it. I should be clinging onto my mom screaming at her to wake up. I should have tried to fight them as the paramedics took her away. I should be doing that, but I’m not.

I’m numb.

I’m numb to everything around me.

I’m numb to the people rushing around.

I’m numb to the loud noises of sirens and machines.

I’m numb.

Suddenly I remembered that my dad and brother were here as well. I mentally kicked myself for forgetting them. I started to run into the hospital and then followed all the noises and chaos.

I immediately went to find my brother, I couldn’t stop now, I had to find him.

Then a doctor suddenly stopped me.

“Whoa! What’s going on! Why are you running?”

“Cherry! Bryce Cherry! Do you know where he is! Do you know where my brother is!” I yelled frantically, looking around for any sign him.

His face suddenly turned serious.

“Your brother?” he asked

What, did he not hear me?


He sighed.

“I’m sorry. You can not see him.”

“Why not!”

I know I’m being rude, but I couldn’t help it.

He looked me in the eye. “Because he’s passed.”


Wait, no! I can’t be numb anymore

My dad!

Must find my dad!

My dad’s going to be ok.

After my little self-conversation I looked back up at the doctor

“Michael Cherry. Do you know where he is?” I asked in a very stony voice that surprised even me.

He seemed slightly taken aback, but immediately fixed his composure.

Clearing his throat, he said “down the hall, first right, second operating room on your left”

He barely finished, before I ran past him, following his directions, and trying but failing to contain my sobs.


My little brother gone.

Bryce, my nine-year old, obnoxious, irritating, annoying, crazy, fun, lovable, amazing, little brother gone.

I choked back more sobs.

And suddenly I was looking into an operating room. A man surrounded my surgeons. A machine with a moving line…slowly getting flatter, as the surgeons work faster to compete with it.

I wait, holding my breath as the tears freely race down my face.

But slowly, ever so slowly, the line goes flat.

Unable to breath, I slide down the wall, bring my knees under my chin, and cry.

I cry, and cry, and cry.

I feel so many different emotions but the most definite is: Alone.

I feel so utterly, and terribly Alone.


I am so sorry i havent uploaded in soooo long! But, here it is!

Pease comment! i love feedback!!




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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2012 ⏰

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