Chapter 18

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Fran's P.O.V.

During the whole lesson I was thinking about my family moving back to Italy. ,,I know that it will be hard, but I need to tell it to the others especially Diego," I thought. I tried to stay away from Diiego for the whole day.

I went to put my things away and then I picked up a guitar. I went to the park and I sat to the nearest bench. I started to play some chords. 

Then I started to play some melody and I really liked it. ,,Wau, it was amazing," someone said. I looked up and I saw a girl standing next to me. I didn't know her. 

,,Did you wrote it?" she asked me and sat down. I just noded. ,,Oh sorry, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Ariana. Nice to meet you," she introduced herself. ,,Ehm,my name is Francesca, but everyone call me Fran," I introduced myself and when I looked into her eyes, her eyes were known for me. 

We were sitting there in silent and I felt her eyes on me. ,,I don't really know you, but I see that something is bothering you," she said. It is so obvious?

,,But you don't have to tell me about it," she said and I had that felling:,,What if i tell her and she could help me?" I thought.

After a minute in silent I spoke up. ,,Today I found out that in five days we are moving to Italy. I was really angry at my parents and I walked away. You know, I was born in Italy, but my life is here. Here are my friends, my boyfriend and school. And I'm really scared, I don't know how to tell it to him. I'm afraid that I lose him," I finished and I felt tears, again. 

We were sitting there in silence again. Maybe I shouldn't tell her. When I wanted to tell her something again she spoke up: ,,That's terrible. They should have tell you sooner. And also you should tell your boyfriend soon, so you can spend the last days together. Don't worry if he loves you he won't break up with you." 

I hugged her. I didn't know why, but her advice helped me a little, but with noone can help me with staying here. 

,,Ehm...Sorry," I said and pulled away. Then after that her phone started to rang. ,,I'm sorry, but I've gotta go," she said ,,I'm happy that I met you and I'm really sorry that you must leave."

,,Why don't we meet before I leave?" I suggested. I think she is a good person. 

,,Alright," she said and she gave me her phone number. ,,But now I must go, bye," ,,Bye and thank you for your advice," I thanked her and I watched her leaving. 

Then I went back to the school, because I have my last lesson. And after that I tell Diego everything. 


When I came into the school I went to the music classroom. I started to play that melody again, which I played in the park. When at that moment someone came in......


Hi guys I'm back with another chapter. Did you like it? 

So who is Ariana? What do you think? 

Also today I will post another chapter so be tuned. And I think this is everything, I see you soon. 

Love ya <3

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