Worse day ever

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Violetta's P.O.V
When I woke up, I didn't went down. I didn't wanted to go to the new school. I didn't like what my dad like.

I like to dance and sing, like my mom.

I want to be little. But today is Saturday. I can spend my time with Angie. She understands me.

I get up and went  down in my pyjamas. ,,Good morning," Olga greeted me. ,,What will you eat?" she asked me. ,,Hmm... I'm not hungry," I said. Before Olga could  say somenthing I guickly get out from the kitchen  and went to the living room. 

In the living room is a piano. So I sat down and started to play. I started to play  some crazy tunes.

I went for  paper and pencil. I sat back down. Everything I played I wrote down.

Then someone sat next to me. It was Fede. ,,What are you doing?" he asked.

,,I'm trying to write a song," I said. It was easy, because I wrote another song allready. I named it En mi mundo.

,,Can I?'' Fede asked me. ,,Yes, why not?"

He started to play the song. Then he started to sing.

Ahora sabes que, yo no entiendo lo que pasa
sin embargo se, nunca hay tiempo para nada

I wanted  sing with him, but I heard someone going down stairs.

It was my dad. Fede stoped playing  and looked at me questioningly.

,,Good morning," I greeted nervously. I hoped he didn't heard anything.

,,Good morning, why are you two sitting there?" dad asked us.

,,We were talking," Fede said. Dad didn't believe us. It was writen on his face. Then Angie came down and they went to the kitchen.

,,Thanks for not telling my dad  that you were singing," I said. ,,Oh it was nothing," Fede said.

Fede's phone started  to vibrate and he went away to pick it up. I went to my room and changed.

When I changed my pyjamas to T-shirt and leggins, I grabbed my diary.

Dear diary
Today is Saturday. I wanted spend my time with Angie or Fede, but both went away and I didn't know were. This is the worsed first day in Bueno Aire ever.

(In the evening)
I was bored the whole day. Nobody was home.

I went down and saw Fede in the kitchen. ,,Hi where were you the whole day?" I asked him. ,,I went out with my friend," he said. Then I heard dad came to the kitchen.

I toke a yogurt from the fridge and guickly eat it. ,,What did you do today?" dad asked me.

,,Nothing," I said and went to the bathroom.

I toke a guick shower and put on my pyjamas.

Then I went to sleep, because tomorow is school.

(Second day: Morning)
OMG another morning, but today is Monday. That means new school.

I went down and saw food on the table. I guickly eat it and then I go. When I open the door, dad came down.

,,Are you going to the school?" he asked me. ,,Yes,bye," I said.

,,Wait a can call Ramallo, he can go with you," ,,No, I'm good thanks," I said.

When I was walked past the park, I saw.....

Hi guys. Finally I wrote a new chapter.

What do you thing:
Who called Fede?
What saw Violetta?

I hope you like this chapter.
If you did give a vote or write in the comments what can I change.

Secret love- LeonettaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora