An unpleasent information

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I went down to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. When I walked in I saw everyone sitting there and they had a good time.  

I didn't want to ruin their good time so I did a fake smile and sat down. ,,Good morning," I greeted everyone. ,,Good morning, did you sleep well?" my dad asked me. 

I thought: however I dreamt about him and I didn't slept the half night....

,,Yeah well," I said and took a croissant. ,,And what's new in your school?" dad asked me again. Really? He didn't let me eat my breakfast in peace. 

,,Nothing much, everything is the same," I answered. ,,And....," I knew he wanted to ask me a question, but thanks to my luck my phone rang. ,,Excuse me," I said and went away from the table. 

Then I picked up the phone. ,,Yes?" ,,Vilu it's Fran can we meet somewhere?" she asked me. ,,Sure, where?" I asked. ,,In the park near the park. ,,Alright, meet you there," I said and I quickly run to my room. 

I changed and I took my keys from my table. ,,What happened Vilu?" my dad stopped me. ,,Nothing, I'm just going to meet Francesca in the park," I said to my dad. ,,Okey," he said and I gave him kiss on his cheek. Then I left. 

For the whole time I was thinking about Francesca. ,,What does she want to tell me? " I thought.  She sounded nervous on the phone. I hoped that everything is alright. 

When I came to the park I saw her sitting on the bench. ,,Hey," I greeted her when I came to her. ,,Hey."  ,,Fran, what's wrong?" I asked her worried. 

,,Vilu......It's so hard but I need to tell you something..........We are going back to Italy," she said and she started to cry. 

,,But we finally met after that long time we were apart," I said sadly. ,,And when are you leaving?" I asked her. 

,, 5 days," she told me. ,,5 days?! And did you tell it to the others?" I asked her again. ..No you're the only one who knows it." she told me really sad. 

,,Then you need to tell them,, and after that we should do a p...," I didn't finished, because Fran didn't let me. ,,No Vilu I don't want a party!" she said angry. 

It was pity that she didn't want a party, but I've got a idea. I tell it later to the others. ,,Then we'are gona enjoy those 5 days," I suggested. ,,That's a good idea," she said happyli and the I hugged her. 

Then we went to the Studio. We walked in to the hall and we were last. I looked at Fran and I saw that it is hard for her to leave. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled at her too and then we went to the others. 

Fran walked up to Diego. They were so happy together and they are a cute couple. But how will they keep their realitonship at a distance?


Hi guys, so this chapter is a little bit shorter and it is a little bit sad. I hope you liked it. Also I will update today another chapter, because this is short. 

So be tuned. 

Love ya <3

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