Character Profile

Start from the beginning

· came to trust Hoseok the most out of his group

· doesn't like to share much information about his life

· can be ruthless, but never to the same extent as Black Tiger

· has moments in which he sees his little sister in Y/N

· has gained power on his own, but his father's legacy helped

· always puts his group's safety and well being before everything else

· didn't feel nor believe in love ever since his family died

· hardly ever smiled

· is always aware of his whereabouts and has a plan B for everything

· doesn't seem to have any weaknesses

· his father would be proud of him

Jung Hoseok

· was the kid of Mr. Min's most trusted man

· grew alongside Yoongi and trained together

· was always meant to be part of the group, even before that tragic night

· dreamt of being the best shooter and eventually became one

· is skilled with pistols and shotguns

· knows how to make all sorts of drugs

· is the group's most trusted doctor

· can use his skills for torture as well

· knows how to get answers out of people

· finds pleasure in inducing pain

· shows no mercy as a trainer

· can be very cold and aggressive

· is Yoongi's confidant

· the only one whose opinion and ideas Yoongi listens to

· didn't quite trust you at first but came to admire your dedication

· is the only member in the group without much drama in his past

Park Jimin

· was an orphan turned delinquent before Yoongi took him into the group

· was always fascinated by gangs and guns

· never met his parents and had no intention

· is a womanizer and proud of it

· very skilled sniper

· loved the power that comes with the shot

· he was added to the group before Taehyung, but they always trained together

· owns a nightclub that he usually visits when he's bored

· loves gambling, but never when he's on the losing side

· runs some gun and drug smuggling businesses

· never went against Yoongi's words

· would probably kill you if you messed with his people

· is usually the one to stop Taehyung from doing stupid stuff

· he watches your every move with doubt ever since Taehyung fell for you, afraid you would stab them in the back once you regained your memories

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