"That won't be necessary, I've changed my mind about keeping you three from spending time together." Alex's coach says, setting her hand on Alex's shoulder. "I see now that it's better that you spend time with your sister and her girlfriend, they keep you calm, and a mad Alex Hugo is an injured one, and I like seeing you happy way better than seeing you upset."

After a while of just talking, as we're all leaving, I'm on the right of the group, looking at my phone as Tobin and Alex talk, but I look up when I bump into someone and fall on my ass.

"Shit, my bad." He says, helping me up and taking my phone from one of his friends who picked it up. "Hope I'm not on a kill list or anything." He says and I chuckle, pushing my hair out of my face.

"Nah, don't worry. I shouldn't walk and text at the same time, when the person I'm texting is just a few floors above me." I say and he nods, so I walk away and over to Alex and Tobin, who were waiting for me.

"You alright?" Tobin asks, taking my hand and I nod.


We had our final group stage match the day before the Opening Ceremonies, which really sucked because we all knew we'd be stuck in recovery, not at the ceremony, like always. Yet we were still given our Opening Ceremony uniforms. Made no sense, but at least they had half a mind to include those who won't be there.

"Y/N!" I hear Jill call out as I'm tying my cleats, so I look up to see her wave me over, I groan and look at my half tied cleats, but get up and walk over anyway. "Change of plan,"

"I'm not going in goal."

"No, you're not. We're pulling you off the back line and starting you up front with Mal and Tobin." Jill says and I shrug.

"You're not breaking my heart." I say and Jill nods.

"That's all for now." She says and I nod, going back over to my locker so I can tie my cleats.

"What was that about?" Tobin asks, poking her head out of her locker as I sit back in my chair.

"Jill moved me up front with you and Mal, so yeah."

"You seem upset though."

"Nah, just, hoping these games don't end up like Rio." I say and Tobin sighs, reaching over and grabbing my hand.

"Look at me." She says, so I look up and meet her eyes. "It's been four years, you've won two league championships, and carried this team on your back to another World Cup title, I think you'll be able to do better than what terrible things you think you did back in Rio." Tobin says and I sigh.

"I dunno, Tob." I say and Tobin sighs, looking at me, before moving to sit on the chair in front of her locker, she looks at her arm, where the armband is wrapped around her bicep and then back at me. "Tobin, no." I say and she takes off the armband and wraps it around my arm. "Are you and Carli, like, deaf when I say no to the armband?" I ask and Tobin shrugs.

"No, we hear you, but we just don't listen to it, you need to learn to trust yourself with this. You wear one all season back in Orlando."

"Tobin, this is the Olympics, not the NWSL."

"Hey, what did you tell us before and in France last year? Stop treating these games like they're the games they are because you'll psych yourself out?" Ash asks and I sigh

"Play every game like it's a World Cup Final and when you do get to a World Cup Final, you won't have to worry. Just change World Cup Final to Olympic Match." I mumble. "You're right. It's just another game, an international game that isn't very friendly, and it's competitive times a hundred." I continue and Tobin nods, kissing my forehead.

Talex Who (Tobin/You)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora