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This is a Wattpad original story. Under any circumstances will you not attempt attempt to plagiarize or steal this plot in any manner. Please do not upload or share this book on any other sites.



The Sorcery Trials is a featured novel under the fanfiction genre. This is a TOMIONE/DRAMIONE fanfiction.



The world has gotten darker ever since Lord Voldemort's return was confirmed, and Harry Potter must figure out how to restore the light before everything comes crumbling down to ruins . . . before there is no chance of return.

With help from Hermione, Harry is set to travel back in time to 1944, where they will not leave until they succeed in destroying the infamous Tom Riddle.

Harry needed to save everyone, and Hermione only wanted to help him. But how far are they truly willing to go to save their future? After all, their time is very limited . . . and bad things happen to wizards who meddle with time.



Harry Potter characters and references belong to J K Rowling. All original characters belong to me.



This story may contain sexual themes, fantasy violence, coarse language and mature scenes.



I originally published The Sorcery Trials in 2014, I think? I might be wrong. But despite having big plans for the end, I never got the chance to finish it. I am hoping if I slowly edit and re-publish each chapter, it will motivate me to finish the book. Ticking off the 'Completed' option for The Sorcery Trials is my goal for this year. I will try to update as much as possible, but for now I will release ten chapters.

Potterheads may notice some names that shouldn't be in here because they are older in the Harry Potter universe. But I added these people for the plot. I think Hermione and Draco are both seventeen by the time some of the mentioned events happen? If not, they are now.

To the original readers of The Sorcery Trials, I have made many major changes to this story. I am so sorry but it had to be done. You'll have to catch up all over again, unfortunately. To the new readers of The Sorcery Trials, thank you for giving it a chance and I hope it's worth it.



Editing (January 11, 2024).


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