Chapter Five: Tom Riddle

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—chapter five: tom riddle

     It was quiet. Six o'clock in the morning, majority of Hogwarts would still be asleep. But among the minority who were more awake than the sky was a group of Slytherin boys, meeting secretly within the Room of Requirement. Seated around a mahogany table were four devilishly handsome gentlemen. The Knights of Walpurgis, loyal subjects to their Dark Lord. They patiently awaited the first words of the figure in front of the fireplace—Tom Riddle.

Tom had always been fascinated by fire, and in his eyes it was the most powerful element. He liked to think he was not so different from it, as both he and fire shared the ability to inflict fear and cause mass destruction. No fool would dare touch fire, and no fool would dare touch him.

"Gentlemen," began Tom, turning to face his Knights. "I have a proposition for you all."

The four boys spoke at once. "Yes, my Lord."

"We will be entering our final year at Hogwarts in September, will we not?" Tom said, playing with his ring.

"We will, my Lord."

He continued, pacing around the table. "As of September 1st, I will be Head Boy of Hogwarts, will I not?"

"You will, my Lord."

"And to celebrate this achievement, I ask one simple favour of you all," he insisted, gracefully taking his seat at the end of the table. "At the end of September, I will be burning that filthy Wool's Cottage to the ground. I expect you four to help me do it."

The only person who agreed without hesitation was Valentino. The other three—Demetrius, Jasper and Abraxas—knew that their delay would infuriate Tom. They bowed their heads in shame. They were not as willing to destroy an orphanage as Tom and Valentino were, and their weakness would cost them.

Tom crossed one leg over the other and leant into his seat, peering down at the silent three. Disgraceful. He hardly ever lashed out, since he firmly believed that those who had to throw a tantrum to get their point across were just as pathetic as Muggles. He remained collected at all times of the day, even if his Knights of Walpurgis did something as foolish as deny him.

     "Have you three forgotten how to speak?" Tom drawled, dangerously calm. "Why are you hesitating?"

     Demetrius slowly stood. "My Lord, there are orphans still being cared for at Wool's, is there not? We can't harm innocent children."

Tom stared at him. Boredly. He was going to make them carry out his request whether they liked it or not, but it was interesting to see who would try to defy him. If he was capable of feeling sympathy, he might have pitied Demetrius and reconsidered. But Tom was incapable of feeling anything other than his ego, so he raised his wand at Demetrius instead.


     Demetrius dropped to the floor in agony. He was cleanching his teeth together so tightly that it was a miracle they didn't break. He refused to scream or cry, or show any more weakness than he already had. But the pain continued to grow stronger and more unbearable. It was excruciating, the notorious Cruciatus curse.

Demetrius started screaming in anguish, lashing around on the floor. Abraxas almost shot out of his seat to help him but he stopped himself. He knew that would only make things worse for both he and Demetrius, and Tom would probably punish him harder.

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