Chapter Six: Beautification Potion

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—chapter six: beautification potion

Harry and Hermione were escorted by their roommates to their first class of the day, which was Potions. The both of them nearly walked straight back out upon realising the class. Septimus and Ygritte put a quick stop to that, making them the most annoying couple in Hogwarts.

     "You're not going anywhere, my bespectacled friend," said Septimus. "You being here means I finally have a partner who isn't my girlfriend."

     "Yipee," said Harry, sarcastically.

     Hermione found a seat with Ygritte. Alba and Amari did not take Potions because they found the teacher to be a little dull, according to Ygritte. They also hardly did anything without the other. When either of them said no to something, the other was sure to follow.

A Gryffindor boy sat in front of them. "Mornin', Ygritte," he greeted without looking back.

"Hi, Jacob. This is Hermione," she said, tapping his shoulder. "She's one of the new students."

Rather than turning his whole body to face them, Jacob chose to twist the upper half of himself. He must not have thought Hermione was worth greeting with his entirety. However, there was a visible shyness to him, which Hermione chose not to hold against him.

     "Hello," he said, weakly smiling.

     Hermione greeted him back and smiled softly. Ygritte ended up confirming her suspicions when she leaned into her ear and whispered that Jacob was as shy as a Mooncalf most days, so she shouldn't take his attitude personally.


     Everyone turned to the entrance, seeing the Slytherin students had arrived. Tom was the only one Hermione knew, and she quickly looked away when he caught her staring at him. She wasn't sure who Scamander was, or why one of the Slytherin boys had yelled his name, but she was going to find out in just a second.

A Slytherin boy pulled out the stool near Jacob and made himself comfortable. "You're not still mad about the match, are you?"

      "Go away, Jasper," Jacob quietly said back.

"Oh, no, my Mooncalf. You need to hold up your end of the bargain. I won, remember?" Jasper smirked mischievously.

Hermione jumped when she saw Jacob's wand at Jasper's throat. She hadn't seen him draw it. Jacob certainly didn't seem so shy right now, this Jasper guy must bring out another side of him. Ironic how Jasper mockingly called him the very thing Ygritte compared him to. Maybe everyone saw Jacob as a Mooncalf?

"Stay away from my sister," threatened Jacob.

"Tell your sister she owes me a date, or I'm going after her myself." Jasper winked at him, then stood up and strutted to the back of class.

Jacob's head fell into his hands and he raked his fingers through his hair. Hermione looked around the room, seeing no one was bothered by what just happened. It was no one's business, really, but Jacob was visibly stressed. Hermione caught Harry's eye, and the pair silently raised arms at each other. They were both clueless.

"Good morning, everyone!" Slughorn greeted, swinging his briefcase onto his desk.

    "Bloody hell, it's Slughorn," said Hermione, quietly.

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