Chapter Four: Minister of Magic

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—chapter four: minister of magic

Hermione quickly discovered that she was roomed with Ygritte, Alba and Amari. What a great coincidence. Apparently, they were the only female group with a spare bunk bed. Who would have thought that Ravenclaws bunked with each other? Considering the room layout, Hermione thought it was designed well.

Ygritte and Amari shared a bunk on the left wing of the room, while Hermione would be sharing one with Alba on the right wing. On the centre wall between them was a wide window, stretching to their beds. Blue curtains had been lazily pulled aside, and beneath the window was a long table littered with parchment, ink, and open books.

"Sorry about that," Ygritte apologised sheepishly. "We have a habit of pulling all-nighters. We would have cleaned up if we knew you were coming."

"Please, don't be. I understand," Hermione assured her.

"Feel free to put your belongings in Alba's wardrobe and dresser. You two will be sharing it, after all. Hope that's alright," Amari said, pointing to a bronze dresser and wardrobe set near the entrance, matching the set that she and Ygritte had on their own side of the room.

"Thank you. My brother has my things, so I don't have anything to put away right now," Hermione explained, making their ears perk up.

"You have a brother?" the trio said simultaneously.

"He got sorted into Gryffindor," she admitted. "I could point him out during dinner, if you'd like."

Ygritte looked at Hermione, thoughtfully. "How did you know we haven't had dinner yet?"

"Dumbledore told me," she lied.

"Of course. My bad," chuckled Ygritte. "Speaking of, we ought to get to the Great Hall. It'll be dinner soon, and I hear the Minister is here to make an announcement."

The Minister? Hermione wondered why the Minister of Magic would be at Hogwarts today of all days. Had she and Harry done something wrong while time-travelling and the Ministry picked up on it? Were they about to be arrested and thrown into Azkaban for time-travelling? Hermione decided to keep quiet. She doubted the Minister would be here for her and Harry, but she wasn't going to announce to her new roommates that she might be a fugitive of the law, either. What a great icebreaker that would be.

     "What is the date today? I seem to have forgotten with how far I travelled to get here," Hermione exclaimed, which was a white lie.

     "January 13th," said Alba. "Today is Sunday. We have class tomorrow."

     "Thank you." Hermione gave Alba a smile. "How much of the school year have I missed?"

     "We started September 1st, so you've missed four months," added Amari.

     Hermione thanked her and went quiet. The school year would end in June, which was only five months away. She and Harry would have to figure out what to do during the three month break before Hogwarts started up again in September. She hardly believed her and Harry would be able to complete their mission in five months, so they would have to consider staying for the seventh-year as well.

     "Welcome to the Great Hall, Hermione," Ygritte announced, placing her hand on her back and gently ushering her into a place she was all too familiar with.

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