Chapter Eight: The Blonde Ferret

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—chapter eight: the blonde ferret

     A week had passed, and it was Sunday again already. Hermione had gotten a very stern talking to by Dippet on Monday afternoon. He nearly expelled her for daring to speak of such dark topics, but he decided against it since it was only her first day. Dumbledore was called to the office once Dippet had done his part, and then Hermione got another stern talking to by Dumbledore. In truth, she was very lucky to be getting nothing more than a slap on the wrist. But she did have to explain why she was asking about horcruxes.

     "I believe any ambitious mind should be asking about them. How can I expect to become a great wizard when I haven't explored all areas of magic, including the dark side?"

     A load of rubbish, but that excuse got Dippet off her back. Dumbledore, however, pulled Hermione aside once she was dismissed. He interrogated her and made sure her little misdemeanour had something to do with the mission, and that horcruxes were not something she was interested in pursuing. After reassuring him for the hundredth time that she was not creating horcruxes for herself, he let her be. But he told her to lay low for the rest of the week and stop doing research about dark magic. Therefore, Hermione was forced to act like she was at Hogwarts in 1944 because she genuinely needed to go to school here.

     Harry continued to laugh and make fun of her for getting in trouble for something that he had nothing to do with, for once. And as much as Hermione wanted to throw him into the Black Lake, she was specifically told not to cause anymore trouble in her first week. Harry better watch his back once Monday rolled back around.

     "What did you guys write for question six?" Ygritte asked aloud.

     "Yes," Septimus answered.

". . . But it wasn't a yes or no question, Sep."

"It wasn't?" He scratched his chin. "What homework are we doing again?"

"Care of Magical Creatures," Jacob reminded him.

"Ohhh. I brought the wrong notes," Septimus confessed, putting his quill down.

Everyone groaned at him and decided to review their homework another day. Harry and Hermione's entire friend group took Care of Magical Creatures together, which was great since they could hangout in class during four periods of the week. Maybe they ought to focus more on the actual class, though, considering Septimus was writing down all the wrong answers to their homework about Diricawls.

"I don't know why you bother studying for Care of Magical Creatures, Jacob. Your dad literally wrote our required textbook," said Alba, enviously.

"Just because this is all stuff I've known since birth, doesn't mean I shouldn't study," Jacob defended himself.

"Yeah, and if he gets too cocky, Queenie will tear him a new one," cackled Amari.

Jacob, as it turned out, was the first child of famed Magizoologist Newt Scamander and Auror Porpentina Goldstein. He had two younger siblings named Queenie, who also attended Hogwarts and was in Hufflepuff house, and Theseus.

"I hear the Minister is returning tonight," Septimus spoke, rubbing his hands together excitedly.

"You're such a gossip, Septimus. Where did you hear that?" Amari exclaimed.

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