Chapter Twelve: Gryffindor versus Slytherin

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—chapter twelve: gryffindor versus slytherin

     Draco was given the task of hiding Tom's diary, and not even Harry nor Hermione were allowed to know of its whereabouts. It was safer for only one of the three to know, especially if that person had the mental capacity to force someone out of their mind. Draco had mastered Occlumency, which he begrudgingly credited to his maniacal Aunt Bella. This meant he could magically close his mind against intrusion by a Legilimens, and Harry knew first-hand that Voldemort was a very skilled Legilimens.

"Voldemort?" Draco repeated, unsure if he heard Harry correctly.

"Careful, you said his name twice already. He might appear after a third," Harry said sarcastically.

"You were able to look into his mind?"


"And vice versa?"

"I'm beginning to think you're not as sharp as you make out," Harry remarked.

"Easy, Scar-Face," snapped Draco. "All I'm wondering is why haven't you made yourself useful and jumped into Tom's mind?"

"Because he learned to shut me out this year," said Harry, frustrated. "Well, not this year. I meant 1996."

     "But not in 1944," Draco pointed out. "All I'm saying is we should consider every possibility. The Dark Lord knew how to shut you out, but Tom doesn't. In fact, you would have the advantage right now because Tom doesn't know you share a weird mind connection with his future self."

"I don't know," Hermione said warily. "Assuming Harry was able to jump into Tom's mind the same way he was able to with the Dark Lord, it still puts Harry at risk. The trouble sounds greater than the reward."

     "I was never able to do it willingly, either," added Harry. "Visions would come to me in my dreams, and Voldemort eventually learnt how to manipulate what I was seeing. That's how he led us to the Ministry in fifth-year."

     Draco dragged out a sigh. "Fine. No mind-hopping. But what if you knew how to disguise yourself? Better yet, what if Hermione and I learnt how to draw a veil over you while you looked into Tom's mind? Would you consider doing it then?"

     Harry glanced at Hermione, waiting for her to give him some form of instruction because he didn't know what to do. But Hermione just stared back at him pointedly, wanting no part in the decision he was having to make. She would support Harry regardless of what he decided to do or ask of her, but she wanted him to make that choice for himself. It was his own mind at risk, not hers.

     "Find out how to blanket me. I'll attempt to peak into Tom's mind once you can guarantee I won't get caught."

The trio made their way to the Quidditch pitch. The long-awaited Quidditch match of the season had arrived, and this time Hermione and Draco were going to be in attendance. It was the final match of the year, one last rave before Hogwarts was put in hardcore study mode for exams in June. Whichever House won, Slytherin or Gryffindor, would be taking the Quidditch Cup for the rest of the year.

     "Harry! Thank Merlin, I found you!" Sadie rushed at the trio and grabbed Harry by his shirt. "You said you were a Seeker, right? We're down a Chaser because Septimus swung a Bludger at him during warm-ups. Oh, I could kill him but I'll save that for later. Take my place as Seeker and I'll replace the Chaser!"

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