Chapter Sixteen- Scarlet Has a Nice Chat With the Twins

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Chapter 16- Scarlet Has a Nice Chat With the Twins

            The past couple of days were long and dragged on forever as I thought more and more about Alex's plan. Is it going to work? Last night I had the weirdest dream. The twins were there. 

            "Scarlet. I see you made your decision to meet us," they said in perfect sync. We were standing in the hallway of their secret place. 

            "Yes," I say slowly. 

            "Does Alex have a plan for us?" Josey asked me. I nodded numbly. 

            "Good. Tomorrow you will meet us in the woods. In the clearing," Alyssa said. 

            Josey looked around the room, like she was being watched. Laughter echoed through the hallway. Smoke came billowing behind the twins. Soon enough, I couldn't see them. I was blind. All I could see was darkness. 

            A falling sensation came over me. Then I hit solid ground. Josey's voice echoed through the dark room. "Don't meet us tomorrow, or ever! Milda has us captive, whatever you do-" she was cut off by Milda's laughter. Light flashed through the dark room and Milda's face was illuminated. She smiled. 

            "You're next my dear," she smiled. 

            I woke up, screaming. "What's wrong?" Alex asked me right away. He looked so much better than what he did a couple days ago. 

            "Nothing. Just a bad dream- that's all," I said. 

            "Okay," he smiled. The soft morning light glowed through out the cave. But something seemed off. It seemed too eerily quiet. I quickly glanced the waterfall entrance. There was no waterfall there. 

            "A-Alex," I stammered. "Look at the waterfall, please," I told him calmly. He shifted his eyes towards where it used to be and he gasped a little. 

            "How could it be gone?" he asked me. 

            "I am not sure," I told him. I quickly went to the entrance. The glistening water wasn't there. The whole lake was dried out. How is this possible? I looked down and saw the bridge. Fish was all over the place, flopping, and gasping for water to breathe in. Alex walked to me. 

            "Whoa," he whistled at the sight. 

            All of a sudden it became unbearably hot. I started to sweat. It must be a heat wave. It is summer after all. Alex pulled off his shirt. "Could there be a drought?" he asked. 

            "It couldn't have dried out the lake that fast," I shook my head. "It has to be magic," I said. "But who would do it? Its not like anyone knows we live here," I slowly fade away. "The twins," I snarled. "They did this," I said flatly. 

            "How?" Alex asked me. 

            "They are witches. They showed me their powers. One girl can control weather and nature. She probably drained it," I snapped. "I knew we shouldn't have trusted them!" I threw my hands in the air, angry with myself. Alex is right. I throw myself into danger with giving a second thought. I sigh loudly. 

            "Now what?" I ask myself. 

            "Can I ask you something, Scarlet?" Alex asked me, his eyes glowing in the beating sun. 

            "Anything, Alex," I said softly. 

            "What was your dream? Maybe it was a vision?" he asked me. I hesitate. Then I tell him my whole dream. 

            "Scarlet, the twins might be in danger! Maybe Milda is alive and she trapped them and sucked out their powers like Sunni was going to do with you and," Alex stopped himself, already knowing how ridiculous he is sounding. 

            "Milda is dead. We saw her," was all I said. 

            "I guess so," Alex said. 

            "Follow me," I told Alex. 

            "Okay," he said. I went back inside and gathered all of our clothes and other items. I morphed quickly into a wolf and made a motion for Alex to get on my back. The bags were around my neck. I howled and ran. 

            I ran for hours. Further and further away. A long time away from the village. Away from Dawn. Away from everything. I sadly noticed the edge of the dark side in my view. I stopped dead in my tracks. 

            "What are we doing here?" Alex asked me, even though I can't answer. We were in a plain. Nothing surrounds us. 

            "Well, well, well. Look at who made it to the party," Sunni's voice boomed through the plain. 

Not My Fairytale *Currently Rewriting*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon