Chapter Two- Shay Meets a Unicorn

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Chapter 2- Shay Meets A Unicorn

         I am in my dream world and I can't escape. I can't go back to reality no matter how hard I try.

            I am in a dark room. I think it is dungeon. An evil looking woman was watching me carefully. She had long black hair. Her eyes were fierce and sharp. They were the color of night. Her dark eyes shined from the torches lit on the walls. "Hello," the woman smiled.  

            "Where am I?" I asked.

            "You are in my castle," the woman told me.

            "Castle?" I ask, confused. Then I realized I am in my dream world. Everything will be back to normal soon.

            "Yes, castle," she waved her hand.

            "Who are you?" I ask.

            "Oh!" she laughed. "How rude of me, to have guests and not introduce myself," she shook her head. "The name is Milda Dire," she stood up and curtsied. She was wearing a dark purple dress. It looked old fashioned, like it was made long ago. "I am queen of this land," she said.

            "You're married to Oliver?" I asked. Is this the woman from the stories? She looks nothing like her.

            "Oh heavens no," Milda laughed. "I am queen of the Land of Nightmares, the darker side of Abesa."

            My eyes widened in fear. I hope this vision is over soon. I want to go back to reality. Milda noticed my fear. "Don't be scared," she said soothingly. "So tell me," Milda paused. "What is your name?"

            I knew I should lie to her. "My name is Juno," I told her my mom's name.

            "What an interesting name," she smiled. Milda looked relived. "It is so unusual to get guests like how you came here in Abesa," says Milda casually. "How did you get here?"

            I have a feeling that she already knew how I came. "I fell."

            "Thank you for telling me the truth, Juno," Milda says.

            "Can I go back to reality now?" I ask.

            "Just one more thing, child," Milda held her finger up.

            "Yes?" I ask.

            "Tell Oliver that he has five days to accept my offer otherwise my army will come," Milda laughed to herself. "Goodbye, Juno. I hope I don't see you again." Milda clapped twice and I went back to reality.

            My eyes snapped open. I was in a white room, lying in a white bed. I saw the one and only King Oliver sitting next to my bed. I must be in my dream world again. "You're up," he said.

            "Well yeah," I said. I looked around the room. "Where am I?" I asked him.

            "The castle's hospital," he said.

            "The castle's... hospital?" I questioned. "I must be dreaming," I said.

            "But you are not. Welcome to the Land Of Dreams, also known as Abesa," said Oliver. That was odd. That was another thing from my grandma's stories. Also, Abesa is my middle name.

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