Chapter Five- Shay Learns Some Magic

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Chapter 5- Shay Learns Some Magic

            At  eleven thirty-six I woke up and put on my training gear. I quickly put my hair up into a ponytail. I slowly opened the door to see a sleeping guard slumped against the wall. Slowly, I closed the door softly and tiptoed to Alex's door. I knocked on his door three times, very softly, careful not to disturb the sleeping guards. Getting caught would not be a good thing to happen right now. Alex peeked out of the door. His looked tense, like someone was about to attack him. Immediately, his whole body relaxed.

            "Shay," he whispered softly. "Let's go."

            We walked silently to the front of the castle, wincing  at every little noise we make. The moon was shining brightly in the night sky. I scanned my surroundings, hoping to see Dawn. She was nowhere to be seen. Then, out of nowhere, she emerges from the shadows. "Take my hand. I will take you to a safe place," was all Dawn said to us. I grabbed Dawn's hand. Alex grabbed her other one. Dawn squeezed my hand.

            I have no idea what is happening, except I can't breathe and it feels like I am soaring through the wind. My eyes are closed shut, afraid to see what is happening.

            The sensation ended as quickly as it started. "What... just... happened?" asked Alex, wheezing for breath.

            "Sorry. Maybe I should have told you before we transported. You get used to the feeling after a while," Dawn nodded. I scanned my surroundings. We were in the forest, except it is daytime. We were in a large patch of meadow surrounded by trees.

            "Did you just say transported?" I asked breathlessly.

            "Yes, Shay. Currently we are in a meadow, as you can tell. I put a magic bubble over this area. It will protect us from any harm or any trespassers. I can make it night or day by my will. Now," Dawn clapped her hands together. "Let's get started."

            "Okay," I bounced on my heels. "What are you going to teach us?" I asked.

            "First, let's just go over some physical training," Dawn smiled. "Run three laps around this bubble now! Go,  go, go!" Dawn yelled. I looked at this bubble of protection. It was the size of a full length football field. I groaned. I absolutely hate running. Alex started to run before I did. He probably didn't mind the physical work as much as I do. Alex is in football and soccer back at home. That tiny thought of home made me cringe a little. I pushed that thought aside and started to run.

            Alex finished before me. I was winded when I was done. I put my hands on my head so I could catch my breath before we continued. "Great job, guys!" Dawn encouraged us. "Now do forty jumping jacks!"

            We quickly did our jumping jacks. "Okay, enough with that," Dawn smiled. "Let's try some punches." Dawn closed her eyes and instantly two dummies popped up from the ground.

            "Whoa how did you do that?" Alex asked in amazement.

            "Magic," Dawn shrugged. "Now," Dawn clapped her hands together. "Fight!" The dummies instantly came to life, like they were real people. One of them started to walk slowly towards Alex. I giggled when I saw this. It looked like a zombie making its way to Alex. Alex panicked for a moment but then his senses kicked in. The dummy started to throw punches and kicks. Alex dodged and ducked from its arms. He punched the dummy in the throat, knocking it back. The dummy pushed forward. It kicked Alex hard in the chest. Alex fell down hard. "Alex!" Dawn called.

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