Chapter Thirteen- Alex Gets a Bath

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Chapter 13- Alex Gets a Bath

          Scarlet was taken back. After our kiss was over she smiled. "You do like me," Scarlet smiled. "Can I ask you a question?" she asked me. 

            "Hit me with your best shot," I told her. 

            "Do you love Shay?" she asked me. 

            I hesitated. "Yes. I do," I slumped.  

            "So are you kissing me because you are sad or do you really like me?" she asks. 

            "I really like you Scarlet. Like a lot," I told her. 

            "So I am up against a dead girl? I like my chances," she smiled playfully. 

            "You should," I smiled. She gave me a tight hug. 

            "We have to go now, Alex. They will kill us," she whispered. 

            "I know," I told her. 

            "Wait right here. I can take you for a ride," she smiled. 

            She gathered clothes from her dresser and put them in a bag. She then walked into the kitchen. After five minutes of waiting, Scarlet walked back in the living room, as a wolf. Her bag was around her neck. She moved her head back, showing me to get on. I was awestruck at how beautiful her wolf form is. She had pure white fur with glowing yellow eyes. Her eyes seemed careful, always looking for danger. Her tail was long and flowing. Her ears and pointed. They twitched every once in a while.

            "Are you sure?" I asked her. 

            She did a little wolf nod and gave me a toothy grin, as if to say, Okay, stop staring and climb on! I climbed onto her back. She was bigger than the average wolf. We got out of her cottage and she raced through the forest, taking us somewhere far away. I felt her powerful muscles move underneath my hands that were holding onto her. The forest went by in a huge blur as she ran faster and faster. I wasn't worried I would fall of her, like I was of the unicorns. I trust Scarlet.

            Scarlet stopped at a big lake where there was a waterfall. I climbed off her back. Scarlet started to drink some water from the lake. I cupped my hands together and brought water to my hands. I drank it. The water was fresh and cool. Scarlet jumped in the water and started to swim toward the waterfall. 

            I stood there and waited patiently until Scarlet told me what to do. But when she reached the waterfall, she disappeared. I stood there, worried. Was she pulled under? I debated or not if I should jump in. Then a bridge came up from the water. I slowly walked onto the bridge. It was soaking wet. I walked across it, towards the waterfall. When I reached the waterfall, I stood there, not knowing what to do.

            "Go through it!" called Scarlet. I closed my eyes and ran through it. There goes for keeping my clothes dry. "Hey," Scarlet said. She was in human form again.

            "Hi," I said. I looked around me. I could see water dripping from the stalactites on the tall ceilings. There was a soft yellow glow in the room. A soggy looking bed was pushed too the side of the bed. Wood that looked charred was in the middle of the cave. I could see a path in here. 

            "What are we doing here?" my voice echoed. 

            "We are going to live here," Scarlet sighed. "Don't worry, we will be safe. Its all I could for now." Scarlet went over and pushed a button in the wall, probably making the bridge disappear. 

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