Chapter Six- Shay Sees The Future

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Chapter 6- Shay Sees The Future 

         After a full day of researching and sneaking into the castle's library, we found a lot of information. I learned the legend by heart: 

"Many years from now my descendant and a friend will come from another planet to here. They will save us from the darkness that is pure.
The King will be tied up in rope.
Everyone will be fooled by the Queen's treachery.
The ones of this legend shall remove the curse.
But decisions and choices will make my descendant choose if Abesa falls into eternal darkness. 
The girl and boy shall turn away from each other, leaving one behind.
A battle for freedom will happen, but many will be dead.
My descendant has the power of darkness within her and she will be consumed in it.
So tell me, young ones, are you afraid of the dark?

             I do feel really nervous with some of the lines in the legend. The girl and boy shall turn away from each other, leaving one behind.  What does that mean? Will we get into a huge fight? Will one of us join the dark side for good? I hope not. Alex is the only person I trust here. Also, My descendant has the power of darkness within her and she will be consumed in it. That doesn't sound so good. 

            Alex and I got new clothes and I got a brown messenger bag. We have gotten many books from the library and the bookstore. The most important information that we have is my grandmother's stories. I sighed as the unicorns were running faster and faster from the village. Then time stopped. Everything that was moving stopped in motion, except for me. I looked around confused. Alex was next to me, stopped in motion too. His face expression has hilarious. I giggled. "Shadow. What a delight to see you," said a mysterious voice from behind me. I quickly looked behind me and there was the one and only Milda. I held my breath. My eyes widened in fear as I saw her cruel face. My heart was hammering a million miles a minute and my palms were sweaty. Shivers went down my back, like they did every time Oliver talked to me. 

            "What do you want?" I asked her, my voice trembling. 

            "Now we don't need to rush now do we? We have all the time in the world," she laughed at her pun. "Now dear, come with me," she said holding out her hand. 

            "Never," I told her firmly. 

            "Fine. I didn't want it to be like this," Milda waved her wand and everything around me disappeared. We were sitting at a table in a dark room. A set of tea and cookies were on the table in front of me. "Tea?" Milda offered. I shook my head, thinking of the last incident.

            "What do you want from me?" I asked her, furious. 

            "I can give you something that you want most," she said slowly. 

            "And what might that be?" I questioned her. 

            "To go home. Back to... Earth," Milda said with a smile. My eyes widened as I thought about home, but then I realized that this was a trick. 

            "Never," I spat. 

            "Fine. Have it your way," she said waving her hands. "Leave all this pressure on you to defeat me," she smiled. 

            "Why don't you just kill me now?" I bursted out, a tear running down my face. 

            "I want you to see your failure and see your grandmothers homeland and the people you care about get destroyed," she laughed. "But you and Alex can escape this all. Pretend it never happened. Live you life like it should on Earth," she said. All of a sudden I wasn't there. I was back at home sitting in my tree in the backyard. Alex was sitting next to me. But he looked... older, like he was twenty. Boxes upon boxes were stacked in my backyard. It looked like we were moving.  My mom walked outside and saw Alex and I in the tree. 

Not My Fairytale *Currently Rewriting*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat