Chapter Four- Shay Hears a Legend

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Chapter 4- Shay Hears a Legend

        "How do you know my real name?" I asked quickly, before thinking about it.

     "Do you think you could actually trick me?" Milda laughed. "I knew it was you all along, Shadow. You are the granddaughter of Willow, isn't that right?" Milda asked me.

            "N-no," I stuttered.

            "Don't lie to me," snapped Milda. "Do you think those petty people on Earth could create a portal to my castle without a bit of magic? How did you do it? How did you get here?"  she asked me in a strained voice.

            "As I told you before, I fell."

            "From what?" Milda asked me.

            "A mirror," I said with a shaky voice. What does she want from me?

            "A mirror," Milda repeated me. "How interesting."

            Alex woke up with a gasp. He looked around, confused. Then his eyes laid on me. "Shay, where are we?" he said sleepily. "Its looks  as though we are in a dungeon," his eyebrows furrowed together. "Shay what did you do now?"

            "She accepted my offer to train her in magic," Milda laughed.

            "Who are you?" Alex asked her.

            "Milda," she smiled. "I am sure you have heard of me," she held her head up proudly. Alex's eyes widened in fear.

            "Shay, what did you do?" Alex asked me shakily.

            "She threatened to send her armies!" I told him. "I couldn't just let that happen!" 

            "Give me your hand, Alex," Milda ordered him.

            "No," said Alex forcefully.

            "That was not a suggestion, Alex. That was a order. Now give me your hand," Milda snapped.

            Slowly, Alex scooted his body up to the bars of our cell. He held his arm out between the bars. Milda grabbed his hand. Milda shook her head in disappointment. "Tsk tsk tsk," Milda muttered. "Not a single magic bone in this body. You would think someone of the legend would have magic," Milda frowned.

            "What do you mean?" Alex asked her.

            "You have no magic," Milda sighed. "But Shay does."

            "I do?" I asked in a small voice, my mouth going dry.

            "Of course! But to use it means training," Milda told me.

            "And you are going to train me to use the dark stuff," I narrowed my eyes.

            "Yes!" Milda piped up.

            "Why am I such a threat to you?" I asked. "Am I supposed to defeat you? Is that apart of the legend?"

            "Of course not!" Milda said in a high pitchy voice.

            "Liar. Why train me when I am threat?" I ask.

            "You are no threat to me, Shadow Rose. We shall not be enemies. Let's be allies."

            "Let me out of this prison," I demanded. "Then you can teach me some magic," I tell Milda, planning to run as soon as she let me out.

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