Chapter 37- Things are changing

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"I'll let you figure that out... Willy."

With that he walks off, leaving me feeling absolutely 100% confused.
Flashback over

See what I mean!? So bipolar. One moment he's all lovey dovey with me then some strange men come in and he's back to being mr no emotion idiot. Right now Val has driven me into the city with Mike and Nova. The guys are literally just holding tons of shopping bags on their arms and in their hands. "Man, you gotta tell her!" Mike hisses. Nova and I turn around, raising our brows. Is he talking about me? I was very reluctant at first to come to the city and use Val's money but he insisted on the 'whatever is mine is yours, except my PlayStation and some food' speech. Some words were changed but it's technically the same.

"Willow.... you know how you got into tafe so easily?" He asks, I nod slowly. He's rigged something, I know it. "Well, I may or may not have threatened her?" My mouth drops open and I stare with wide eyes. I DIDNT GET IN FAIRLY! Maybe it was a bit obvious, but still. "I only wanted to help you! You wanted to get in so badly and I wanted you to get it, so I threatened her then after she told me that she reviewed your grades in high school and it was the best she'd seen in a while. She was scared, but she didn't show it."

I sigh and shake my head, he's bought me all these things when he didn't need to. I might as well forgive him, right? "Okay, you're forgiven. But just this once," I add before he gets too cocky and egotistical. He grins and takes a step forward, I make sure to eye him suspiciously. He's so much taller, and handsome. Every girl that has passed has looked at either Mike or Valentino, or both. Valentino is incredibly tall... and those tattoos.... they make him seem more appealing, his face is a stony face when he looks out at the crowd and isn't talking to me. Then when we talk or when I look at him, he grins and waves sillily. It's quite cute actually. A big man waving his hands around with a stupid fat grin on his face. Val bends down and kisses the CORNER of my MOUTH. My eyes widen and I hide my cheeks with my hair, he chuckles softly and moves the bags on his left arm to his right arm. He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers together.

"Can we please get a trolley?" Mike whines, his arms are red and white, he's probably going to lose circulation soon. Where are trolleys in the city?

"Let's go to Coles!" I exclaim, dragging Valentino with me when I spot it. We enter the shop, people eye us suspiciously. I even notice someone using a walkie talkie while staring at Mike and Valentino- maybe they have the 'I don't care about anyone or anything' face. I grab a trolley and stroll out of Coles casually.

"Are we allowed to do that?" Nova asks. Mike puts the bags in the trolley and so does Val, in the process letting my hand go. I miss it already. No, not really; maybe a bit.

"Mike hold the trolley," Val says pushing it towards him, the wheels roll towards him and the front rams into his stomach. He grunts and flips Val off.

"Nova, hold the trolley," he's about to push the trolley towards her but she gives him the worst glare ever. He gulps and smiles at her, "wait a minute! I love trolleys! I'll hold this one, babe."

Nova gives him a fake sweet smile, "awe thanks babe. You wanted the trolley in the first place, so you're capable of holding it." It's funny how the guys act so tough but they will be the sweetest to us. Val disappears and comes back a moment later with another trolley.

"Yeah take your bags, bi**!" Mikes yells at Val. I roll my eyes and grab all my items, putting them in the trolley Val got.

"Hop in the trolley. Let's have a trolley race," he smirks and looks at Mike in the process. Mike taps his chest with his fist.

"Oh, it's on! Nova, get in the trolley," she gives him a look and he sighs. "My dearest wife, please get in the trolley that is waiting for you butt to sit down," she smiles and gets into the trolley with his help.

I look at Val, "the trolley will tip if I try to get in. Sorry, can't get in there; how unfortunate!" It's really not. He raises his eyebrows and walks the short distance to me and grabs me by the waist, lifting me and placing me in the trolley. "Thanks so much," I mutter sarcastically.

"My pleasure, now sit down.... please," I sit down reluctantly and they both lead the trolleys to a flat road where there is no hill that we will go down and break our necks.

"No. How about we race up that hill?" Mike points to a gigantic hill that looks extremely tiring and dangerous to run up. He could let go and I would go rolling down, then break my neck and die. Dying is not in my to do list today.

Valentino smirks, "challenge accepted." He's very cocky, they both walk to the bottom of the hill with us in front of them on the trolley. Nova and I give each other worried looks.

"No! We do not accept this, what if you let go and we break our necks!" Nova exclaims.

"Well good thing that I've never really let Willow go anywhere and I'm not about to start, I'm too protective to let her go. My ego may be a bit destroyed if I do, but I don't know about Mike," Val smirks; he was trying to annoy him before the big race. It was incredibly cheesy and true and cute.

"Well.... Nova and I are married! Therefore, we are closer; so I won't let her go." That was kind of lame, Valentino laughs loudly.

"Just because you're married doesn't mean you're closer buddy," Val smirks succeeding in annoying him. Mike is about to open his mouth to reply but I cut him off.

"Oh who cares! Let's just get on with it!" I exclaim getting tired of their arguments. Val chuckles and they both look at each other.

"3. 2. 1. Go!" They go off sprinting up the hill, grasping the front of the trolley in their hands. I turn my head, trying to ignore the bumps and look at Valentino. He's awfully concentrated, he also must be very fit if he can run up a hill while pushing someone up a hill. Like, who can do that? He's breathing heavily and looks thirsty, I wouldn't even be able to walk up this hill.

"I WON, HA I'LL ALWAYS HAVE THE BETTER FITNESS AND STRENGTH!" Valentino shouts, puffing as he reaches the top of the hill with me. Mike is too breathing heavily but he seems to glare.

"Why is it that you and Titus beat me? You're the leader anyway, so you should be beating me," he tries to defend his place of coming second. Valentino smirks, he's just better at this sort of stuff in general.

"Well, Willow.... I told you that I wouldn't let you go," he chuckles.
Guys be prepared for the next update, HELLOOOOO CLAUDIA AND ISAAC!!! Who's excited!?

I'm so tired and it's freezing, comment, vote, share and follow


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