Chapter Thirteen - Betraying a Liar

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You're worthless. Xavier thought ruthlessly, wearing that sinister grin as if it were permanently etched onto his seemingly innocent face. The customer screeched at the top of her lungs out in fear, yet those cries fell on deaf ears as the homicidal spirit from behind the moon twirled his scythe, expertly slicing open her throat as if it were a skill he had been born with. As crimson splattered onto his features, lying in red dots among his scattered freckles, he calmly watched her skin rip open, neck falling backwards and barely hanging onto a thrashing body, almost identical to that of a be-headed rooster running frantically around in circles with it's feathers flapping.

"Hm~ My sweet cloud of cotton candy, are you here~?" He purred lovingly and light, yet his swift movement of a partially muddied and stained converse slamming against the slaughtered woman's corpse, shoving her aside worthlessly as his actions spoke much larger than his honeyed words. "My beautiful sugar cube, are you here, answer my calls, please?" He twirled his scythe, allowing a spray of fresh blood to coat the walls from the previous slice that he had delivered the the woman's throat.

He purred as he wandered forwards, glancing calmly from one shelf to the next, now coming across the neat, yet older, front desk, an old computer settled atop it alongside returned books, several papers, a desk-calendar, and a painted coffee mug full of pencils, pens, bookmarks, and a pair of scissors. He stared for a moment, his footsteps coming to a stop as he watched the small, wheeled, wooden chair settled behind it still spin in lazy circles from when someone had previous bolted from it. ".... Hm... Funny." He chuckled, that strange sinister smile quivering into a creepy, almost shaky laugh, fingers drumming across the cold handle of his sharp scythe.

Upon the sharp nails clinking lightly against the metal handle, like a kitchen blade hitting concrete, there was a small audible whimper that caught the monster's attention, the tender volume having come from beneath the desk. The gentle noise only made his eyes turn to slits, and his smile widen with great interest aimed in it's direction. He grinned callously, suddenly leaning down and using his free arm to hoist up the desk entirely with impressive strength. It's four little legs were lifted high above the man's head, leaving whoever was lying below entirely visible, and unprotected.

A scream was heard, the woman below widening her eyes up at the man as her small body quivered with complete fear. Her body had frozen, barely able to scoot away from him as she struggled with controlling her loud quickening breaths full of panic and fear, a small puddle forming below her tiny body as urine stained the rug that was placed beneath the desk. "H-Help me, please! Anyone!" She screamed, tears streaming down her round face as the man appeared disappointed in what he had found.

That's not my sugar-bell... He thought sadly as he launched the desk aside at an inhuman speed, it crashing against a nearby bookshelf, sending novels falling to the ground as the desk landed with a clatter. The woman screeched, putting her arms up in front of her head defensively as she tried going further back, kicking at the man and squirming to survive.

"Get away from her!" The sudden bold demand yanked Xavier's heart into a loving throb, his breath briefly catching as he heard your sweet melodic voice coming from-


And suddenly, his vision flashed white, the man stumbling forwards and feeling a fiery pain seize up from the back of his head, traveling over his scalp as his brain felt as though it had been rattled. "Huh?" He let out ever so slightly dazed, startled for a brief moment as he caught his footing, blinking a couple times to clear his vision, left with a throbbing headache. He shook his head, growling loudly as he watched his previous victim dash off across the library floor, the woman sprinting towards the front door without a single glance back. That stupid rotten woman... He hissed, throwing himself off across the floor in pursuit, yanking himself free from whatever had latched onto his scythe, throwing the person who had grabbed ahold of him away as he chased after the escaped victim.

Candy Heart (Yandere x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora