Chapter Fourteen - Stronger than Death

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        Xavier gasped loudly, his lips ripping away from yours in a pain-filled motion as you slashed open his neck. His nostrils flared visibly as his face contorted into one of agony, neck tensed as a trail of black inky blood trickled from the corner of his gaping lips. The flaming pain from the side of his neck caused his head to go fuzzy and blurry, those two chocolate eyes struggling to meet your gaze. "Y-..." He struggled in a partial puff of air that left his mouth, black blood oozing from the hole sliced straight through the muscles in his neck, his fingers twitching nervously as he struggled to reach up and touch the sharp pair of scissors lodged within.

"Fucking stay away from me!" You exploded, suddenly shoving him forwards with a rough forearm as he gazed down at you with large surprised, and betrayed eyes, him almost looking like a wounded puppy. There was a loud ripping noise as you parted the scissor blades, ripping open the wound wider and squirting his black warm blood onto the floor as the male's head reared back, a ear-piercing screech erupting from his lungs as he struggled with tremoring breaths.

"(Y-Y/N)-..." He struggled out, inky fluid spilling from his lips as his knees trembled, swiftly buckling the moment you ripped out the sharp pair of freshly bloodied scissors from his throat, leaving a gaping mangled entrance. "(Y/N)... You..." He struggled with in a whisper, head tilting as he settled there below you on his knees, gazing up to you as if you were a magnificent goddess that had just bestowed upon him an eternal curse.

"... I should've never summoned you." You growled ferociously, your eyelids falling shut as tears threatened to roll down your cheeks, eyes glossed over at the sight of this sad and betrayed Xavier. However, you knew you'd be the only one to possibly stop him. Even if you showed him to someone else, they may just believe this was a joke. And by the time they realize it wasn't, they'd already be dead. Fighting the apparent love he had for you with, well, the love he had for you, using yourself as a human weapon and killing the source of the problems was the idea you had come up with. You couldn't handle hundreds more deaths that would occur if he continued to run wild, and now you realize you'd probably never be able to return him to the moon, not after the failed research you had done. You'd have to kill him. The consequences for not doing so are several more deaths, it was time to take a chance, and see what the result of getting rid of him would be.

As he choked, spurting up blood that now splattered over the floor, you quickly stepped around him, dropping the scissors with a quivering hand. You left him, quickly beginning to travel across the flooring while the male fidgeted in the background, blood gushing from his neck and parted lips as he died.

(Y/N)... My beautiful... My... Mine. He swallowed thickly, feeling the disturbing flavor of his own blood dripping down his throat as he lied there, visible tears brimming his eyes at the unforgivable betrayal brought upon him by you. (Y/N)... You nasty, nasty girl... You sour candy... I'll discover your sweetness. I promise, my sugar-bell. He growled in his head, placing out a shaky arm, the world swirling around him as he felt his skin burning, as if it had been set aflame with hot coals pressed against his thin surface.

You pushed your arm against the front exit roughly, forcing it wide open. Your world looked as though it was melting, tears of anger and regret flooding down your cheeks, salty drops falling to the ground and staining your clothing.

"(Y/N), don't you walk away from me." The sudden voice from behind caught you by surprise with it's strength, as you had expected nothing more than a whisper, or a mere cough as Xavier bled out over the wood. Your neck snapped in it's direction, eyes widening with shock as you watched Xavier from afar. It felt as though your legs had turned to stone, leaving you stuck in place like a statue as you watched the man shift.

The previously weakened male now began heaving himself upwards, inky thick fluid running down his neck, staining his cloak with a darker coloring as the sticky droplets continued like a river. The man's arms struck out, slamming pale palms onto the floor for support with a grunt. Awkwardly, the male lurched upwards, legs fumbling for a standing position as he yanked himself towards the ceiling to stand.

As he leaned onto the long shimmering scythe like a cane, you stumbled backwards, finally dragging yourself back into the real world, his head lulling to the side and those chocolate wild eyes catching your shocked gaze in a locked trance. He was injured severely with a bloodied draining neck and paling flesh, yet even then he refused to fall into the pit of death, forever hovering above it like an inhuman beast driven by nothing more than the love and lust he carried for you.

"Stay away!" You exclaimed in a last vain attempt to prevent the other for coming for you, bravery having faded as you watched him straggle forwards like a walking zombie, you instead throwing your body out of the exit without a minute speck of hesitation in your movement to escape his dangerous "loving" intent. This didn't stop the quick uneven stomps across the floor from his converse, the man now taking on after you with great haste in each step.

"(Y/N)~" He let out in a purr with a noticeable gurgle of blood in his throat, a sudden arm now wrapping itself around your waist strongly, although with a brief quivering twitch did it yank you back into the library without qualm and back into your own personal Hell with the psychotic man from behind the moon.

"NO!" You screamed, feeling your figure yanked back ruthlessly, black blood speckling across your shoulder as you fought against him vainly. He only growled to your response to his love, a childish eerie giggle leaving his lips as black smog covered both of you in a swirl. You clawed at him viciously as your freedom disappeared, the door soon beginning farther and farther away with each passing second as the man ripped you back within the copper-scented building. Tears of anger tracked down your face as you yelled and demanded for him to let you go, the door vanishing from sight and a world of black ensuing as Xavier teleported himself away from the library, and back home where you both belonged.

"Now if you'll excuse me , (Y/N)~" He purred lovingly, that child-like loving grin plastered over his face as he crouched down to once again greet you at eye-level, his eyes twinkling with happiness at being so close without you being able to run away. Blood had dried down his neck in a messy trail, staining his cloak and clothing underneath heavily, although the wound even then appeared to still be dripping with noticeable drops of black as his skin remained much paler, an almost ghostly white after your little stab incident. "I have a small mess to clean up that you happened to cause, but I promise to return shortly~" He added, reaching forwards and scratching the bottom of your chin as if you were a small fluffy hamster.

"Mmph-" You let in a muffled noise of annoyance, eyes turning slightly to slits as you reared back, a cloth stuffed in your mouth to prevent you from screaming for help, and profanities at Xavier. Your legs and arms were bound just as Xavier's had been at one time, leaving you entirely useless in the attempt of running or fighting him as you sat there on the bathroom floor, without a window to fit through if you happened to somehow untie yourself.

"Aw~" He pouted dramatically from how you pulled away from his affection, although he didn't push you further. He appeared satisfied enough with just having you locked away in his grasp forever, now. "Oh, you must be tired." He chuckled in realization, standing back up to his full height, a shadow getting cast over your restrained smaller body. He straightened out his cloak, now picking up his scythe from it's placement, it leaning up against the door calmly and rather tauntingly so. "Girls tend to get mad if you bother them when they're tired, yeah?" He questioned with a smile as he lovingly gazed down at you, even though all you had to return was a bitter glare, wiggling about on the floor to roll away from him, and just to look away stubbornly, although it looked rather ridiculous.

"Hmph." You let out with a snort, your cheek pressing itself against the cold tiles of the bathroom, a slight shiver running down your spine from the contact.

"Ha ha, very funny...." Xavier rolled his eyes playfully, a smile on his lips as he stood there. "I'll be seeing you shortly for some lunch, my sugar-bell. Make sure to bring you a snack to soothe you, huh?"

You glanced over to him, as if you'd be giving him a nasty glare, only to find a cloud of black smog in his place as the man disappeared from the bathroom, leaving you alone.

Welcome back to Hell.

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