Chapter Thirty-one - I Promise

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(Hey, lads!

First off, in celebration of Halloween, I made you all an interactive story with a precious yandere boy of mine~

If that link doesn't work, try this one! )

Ray sighed gently to himself, the breeze calmly blowing this early in the morning. He alongside Markus had spent most of their night searching for you, leaving them both rather tired and frazzled. Ray decided to relax himself just a bit with something to keep the edge off, a nice blunt rolled up. He held it carefully, smoke rising off the tip in a whiff of crisp piney air, the man placing his lips on it and taking in a long drag. The chemicals flowed into his body, falling into his lungs and wavering for a moment before he blew it back out like a dragon would.

"... What are you doing out here?" The gentle voice of Markus muttered, obviously concerned that the hippie was beginning to keep to himself more often than not. Markus believed the carefree man felt nothing but relaxation, and even a slight firmness at times, but he had never thought that he'd see Ray so worried or anxious over something to the point he smoked weed. Markus had never seen weed in person. "... All... All alone." He stepped closer as Ray glanced back up to the man, his sea green eyes looking like waves crashing against mossy rocks, a ring of subtly forming red ring wrapping around them while a noticeable darkness was etching into his features underneath each of his eyes from exhaustion.

"... I didn't think you'd want to be near me when I'm smoking this, man." Ray spoke up with a slight chuckle attached to the end, offering a sideways grin up to Markus, who appeared like he had just rolled out of bed, which he technically had, as he slept on the couch for a long time. His hair was fluffed upwards, sticking out at random points that showed exactly how much sleep the man had earned, his glasses on partially crooked as he had just slapped them on when he got up, and his clothing wrinkled and disheveled. Ray also decided not to bring up the obvious string of dry drool down the other's bottom lip and on his chin rather comically.

"It doesn't bother me that much, I suppose." Markus replied with a shrug, hopping down and settling on the edge of the wooden deck, while the wind chimes jingled and rung in the background, like a delicate and holy kind of white noise that for once Markus welcomed when in reality he almost always preferred a stiff silence. "Just don't offer me any of that and I'm good." Markus spoke firmly.

"... You want some?"

"What did I just say?"

They both shared a slight laugh then, Ray taking a long drag that burnt away the tip of his lit blunt ever so slightly, a puff of smoke being released from his lungs effortlessly. The gentle breeze on the air blew it away like an invisible broom in the sky. "... We'll... We'll find (Y/N), right?" Markus suddenly brought up, glancing over to Ray with a concerned expression and knitted together eyebrows. Ray bit the interior of his cheek as he thought for a long moment.

"... Yeah. We will. She's a dangerous little thing, isn't she?" He chuckled lightly at the thought, although Markus only swayed lightly. "... But yeah. She's fine, don't worry. If you worry, it just makes you suffer more when you should be celebrating."

"Celebrating about what?" Markus quickly questioned, his hands tightening their grip on the porch as if he were offended. Maybe he was.

"... Celebrating the thought of a new adventure. If a ship were to go on it's normal way, you would experience the cruise you had expected. Sure, you'd enjoy it... But, now... If the ship crashed, and you survived on a deserted island for weeks living on bananas and fish, then you were rescued... Now, wouldn't both of those be a different kind of adventure, even if you didn't expect one or the other?" He questioned, smiling gently over to the anxious Markus who sat there with his back hunched, and the hoodie's hood thrown over his head lightly. He glanced over, his sharp features illuminated by the dim lighting peaking through the tree branches.

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