Chapter Twenty-Nine - Stranger Danger

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I'm back in class as you all know, and that makes me very busy. I've got a whole lot of news in the last seven weeks of INACTIVITY.

1) This chapter is the first I've written in seven weeks, it's short, but I'm happy I managed to pull it together. ^-^ Plus, it's a moving along chapter with a few hints at some things. I hope to make another tomorrow, and it'll be longer, hopefully as I have more planned.

2) We've reached over 100 stars Thank you all so much! <3

3) This lovely piece of fanart is brought to you by a loyal lover of the Xavier legacy! Thank you so much,  HayBay!


4) I plan on doing a certain thing so my writing skills won't get rusty. As in, "Short Story Mania" type of thing, with writing prompts so I can right short stories and so on. ^-^)/

Thanks for the attention to this A/N, I love you guys! - O o f -)

"... He fell in love?" The winter spirit gave a flick of his reindeer ears, the soft fur covering both of them being gently blown by the breeze that also rung the chimes gently above. He couldn't help but give a kind smile, the paleness of his face lighting up with a gentle blush to display what the thought of affection had over the calm generous male. However, he soon gave a tiny sigh that contrasted his previous actions. "... But... With a mortal. It's... Never exactly been done before. Love is really a rare occurrence with Festival Faunas, I'm afraid." He admitted, the protective cloud jumper he owned now nudging him, the wet muzzle the animal possessed rubbing across the other's cheek in a caring manner as a small mewl left the animal's mouth in concern. "It's okay buddy," The winter spirit gave a caring gaze towards his companion, rubbing the large beast's forehead gently and now glancing towards you and Ray both, the two of you almost looking like deer caught in the headlights of a speeding vehicle. "... We'll figure something out, I know that for certain."

"... This... Festival Fauna, right...?" Ray began, running his larger fingers through his own thick dreadlocks in an act of thinking. "Uhm... How do three humans, one antlered Christmas Spirit, and a uh..." He glanced over to Lixue, looking at the animal up and down briefly, those icy glowing eyes almost glaring at the dread-locked hippie like a human would if someone caught someone else staring at them. "Mutated reindeer-" The description of Lixue got a snort of disapproval from the muscular beast, which almost made Ray flinch. If the weed-smoker was ever so slightly less care-free, he would've definitely. "... -stop him?" He finished finally.

"... Well... I believe the easiest weakness that we know of, even though his love is bent, not broken... Is you." The male explained in his soothing voice as you gestured towards you in an explaining manner, your eyes flickering with understanding with what the male was stating. "... He truly loves you, based on what I've heard, even though he does not display his desires of affection easily, I believe. I'm apologetic for this, and... Regretful. For keeping him locked away for so long, I..." His ears folded back, and it felt as though the air surrounding the winter spirit had suddenly turned a frosty temperature, even more so than it already was, nearly low enough now to freeze the tip of your human nose if you stepped too close. Ray watched with an astonished gaze as the grass below now suddenly began freezing up, crackling heard as tiny ice layers formed over each blade and gobbled them up in the chill. Ethan's pale flesh turned whiter, and almost sparkled from the cold icy layer that began crystallizing over it, the tips of his hair, just as the grass did, now turned stiff and ridged with frozen water. "... I shouldn't have-... I should've helped him. I was so busy trying to fix the holiday he had nearly damaged, but then... I damaged his own holiday in the process... Ruining the Halloween spirit..." He hung his head briefly, eyelashes fluttering as he closed his eyes, giving a sigh, all while Lixue was sniffing and giving small mewls of encouragement to the saddened man.

Candy Heart (Yandere x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora