Chapter Twenty-Eight - Definition of Love

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        "You are a worthless coward." It burned. The incinerating sensation of his flesh melting away, the ripping and tearing of skin as crimson flowed from a freshly slit open wound. He screamed, his voice coming out as nothing more than a breath, the ringing that started out as a simple whistle turning into a high-pitched screech. It pierced his eardrums with a such a force, as if a tooth-pick were forced straight through and wiggled around in his cranium, tickling his mind and severing his brain stem. "You are nothing. You sacrifice yourself for nothing because you are nothing you are nothing you are nothing you are nothing you are nothing you are nothing-" The voices screamed in hatred, acid dripping off their lips as the heat of his body faded into a chilling frosty coldness that left the boy feeling empty, shriveled up, and used.

He shivered, allowing his body to fold in two quietly, his eyes evaporating into liquid nitrogen and soon fogging upwards into the empty black space. Leaving a husk of what once was, he soon found himself a cracked shell, his emotions and self-love rolling up in worthless clouds of smoke out through the hole in his slit open flesh.

It was cold.

And it was dark.

You know, sometimes things tend to fall apart, and you realize, they were never together in the first place.

Markus gasped, feeling his body jolt upwards from the squishy furniture he had found himself settled in, heart rate rocketing into a racing tempo as the world blurred before him. "Wah-?" He let out loudly in a crackling scratchy tone, eyes blinking several times in confusion as he glanced around several times, flesh coated in a layer of sweat while a few strands of his hair were sticking to his forehead. Heavy, faltering breaths left his lungs, the male struggling to get up out of the chair in his frantic state as he awoke from the nightmare. "A-... A-Ah..." He reached up, placing a hand to his temple gently as he sat up straight, quivering muscles finding themselves remaining in this spot, the male now caressing over the throbbing portion of his head as he sat there awkwardly in the bean bag chair, blanket having been thrown off of his cold body the moment he awoke in such a startled state.

"... You doing better, Markus?" You murmured gently after hearing the yelps from Markus as he woke up. Markus snapped his neck in the direction of the noise, whipping around with wild eyes, and finding you standing in the connected kitchen alongside Ray, who held a small tray that had three cups - all of them being coffee mugs that had different artistic graphics over them - containing freshly made peppermint tea, steam swirling out of the tops nicely.

"H-Huh?" Markus questioned, almost as if he hadn't heard you correctly, his eyes studying both Ray and yourself for a long moment that dragged on for several seconds, heavy breaths leaving the freshly awoken male's lips. It almost looked as though he didn't recognize either of you, Markus blinking a couple times as he finally responded. "... Y-Yeah-... I'm fine..." He muttered slowly, shrugging it off and now allowing himself to face forwards in silence, letting out a breath of air and noticeably thinking.

You and Ray briefly shared a glance of worry for the obviously "not fine" Markus. Soon, the hippie now wandered off into the living room quietly, nearing the boy who appeared troubled as you followed shortly after. You were happy to have helped Ray make his prized peppermint tea, soon finding out the male had a serious knack for herbal remedies, spewing out all sorts of information you never believed you'd learn. "Hey, Marky~" Ray smiled, holding out a warm cup of tea with a happy smile on his lips, gesturing for Markus to take the cup. Markus, with his body sunk down in the bean bag chair, the bright blue and white tie-dye coloring standing out against the paleness of his skin skin, only glanced upwards a few moments later.

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