Chapter Twenty-One - Ray Sunshine Satterthwaite

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(There has been another added scene put into chapter eighteen. Hope you find it, and enjoy it~)

"... You think you're okay now?" You murmured gently, gazing over at the busy Markus with a worried expression. He nodded easily in response, continuing to type away quickly on his phone, not glancing up for a few moments.

"Yeah, I'm-" When his eyes finally met yours, seeing that worried gaze, his words faltered and he only stared for a few moments longer instead of speaking. "... I'm... I'm fine... Thanks for asking... But, whatever that scythe did, it's worn off by now." He gave a small, up-turned grin to soothe your nerves as he sat there, returning his attention back to his phone entirely now. You only gave a gentle nod.

"... Markus, what do we think we can do about Xavier?" You muttered, leaning against the bed quietly from your sitting spot on the floor, trying to think of what you both needed to do, especially when you only had the rest of today to do so. He glanced over, studying you for a moment as he now thought for awhile.

"... Uhm... I... I think... I think we should just-... Leave." He spoke rather clearly of what he wanted to do. He wanted to run and hide, especially after that near-death experience with Xavier. It was quite obvious he no longer wanted to be involved with this, although it was also evident he'd feel guilty if he didn't help you, and instead left alone. You sighed, just shaking your head at his response.

"You know he'd find me."

He gave a dismal nod, taking in a long breath as a new thought popped into his head. ".... Wonder what he's doing now..."

"Hmph... Sugar-bell... Why do you have to be so cruel to me?" Xavier muttered as he wandered through the woods, scythe strapped to his back and head held high as he was lost in thought. After you had removed him from your home, he decided he'd start another manhunt, hunting down another one of the passengers in the car that had killed your parents. This one was easy to find, as he lived far in the woods that were near the city, and well, he had the most ridiculous name Xavier had ever heard a human be called. "Ray Sunshine..." Xavier chuckled, shaking his head lightly. And his last name... Is Satterthwaite. He thought with a second laugh, now glancing around himself, searching for a small clearing in these woods. He had teleported out here, calmly scanning the area surrounding where the home would be. Strangely enough, he had found himself unable to teleport within the home itself. As if there was some kind of protective bubble around it that he didn't understand, and couldn't see. Although very quickly, he definitely would find out. But for now, it appeared as though he'd be breaking an entry the old fashioned why like he did with you. Just climb right on in through the window.

Ray Sunshine yawned to himself, calmly sprawled out over the couch in his living room in a nice, tranquil silence. His body was noticeably muscular, with a defining v-line riding along his tanned and sun-kissed hips, the outline of faintly forming abs, and freckles visible through his thin light blue t-shirt, although his body wasn't overpoweringly big, and bulging with throbbing packs of muscle. It was more along the lines of attractive and defining. A pair of baggy tan cargo pants and worn out sneakers, while a crimson red beanie sat atop his head were the clothes covering his body. He had light brown dreadlocks that traveled from his head, and down his back in a lazily low-hanging pony-tail, a few transparent beads decorating them, meanwhile a very short chin beard was growing. He had beautiful sea green eyes, which were noticeably his most prominent feature, as well as the thicker and more masculine way his eyebrows were. Honestly, they were great.

Meanwhile, hung around his neck were two pieces of dark brown leather rope, both being very thin necklaces. One had a small stone tied at the end, a chunk of rain forest green topaz, while the other rope had a piece of tan tawny agate strung on it. He took in a breath, allowing his eyelids to fall closed as he was prepared to relax, and possibly take a nap.

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