Chapter Twenty-Four - Happy Halloween

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(I have a random question for you all in the comments.

Who do you love the most?

Markus Hemphill?

Ray Sunshine Satterthwaite?

Xavier (L/N)?

More importantly: Who do you ship together the most? ;) )

"Sebastian Colas-"

Markus furrowed his brows at the cut-off writing, staring down at the newly sent photo of a cut off signature, leaving letters severed off abruptly in the supposed writer's last name. "Hmm..." He hummed to himself, setting his phone aside once again as he now tried ignoring Ray's other messages of, 'Brah', 'Brah u still there', 'Brah i showed u my dick respond pls XD'. The last one made him visibly cringe, the wadded up piece of tissue stuffed in his previously bleeding nostril luckily catching the second nose bleed that occurred, the tech geek's cheeks heating up in embarrassment afterwards. "He's such an idiot... Gross..." He muttered to himself, opening up his laptop and logging in to begin his research on the cut-off signature, hoping to find the ending of his end and more information afterwards.

In the beginning, it was definitely tough. He had a hard time figuring out what the signature ended with, or if his "translation" had been correct in the first place. He switched several letters around, wondering also if certain punctuation were just formal add-ons, seeing how each letter fit together, and what accents were there.

"Come on... This is ridiculous..." He muttered, running his fingers through his shaggy light blonde hair in an irritated manner, huffing out a breath of air. He did manage to find the creator of the book, although it was definitely a stretch. "Sebastian Colasanti", writer. That was nearly all he found.

The only speck of information he had dug up on the author of the book, or possibly a portion of it, or Hell- he could even be just a publisher of the damn thing. He had searched up his name, earning nothing but random only slightly related names as the computer tried correcting him, saying, "Did you mean Sebastian Castellanos?", and proceeding to hand him bits of information on people of similar names. He only sighed in response, his ears beginning to ring from how many times he had heard his phone buzz and go off in the past hour thanks to Ray.

Son of a- And suddenly, he heard a loud ringing erupting from his phone, sending the male into an aggressive state of action. "Stop trying to talk to me about the dick pic, Ray!" He exclaimed the moment he pressed answer, making a horrible mistake of not even glancing over to his phone screen before doing so.

"... Uhm... This is (Y/N), not Ray... I didn't know you swung that way." You chuckled, Markus' meanwhile lighting up like a tomato, his face burning as his hand tightened it's grip on his phone.

"W-Wah?" He let out quietly, biting ahold of his lower lip as he felt the tissue stuffed up in his nose go from a tinted pinkish red to a crimson in mere moments as his nostril bled once more, the male murmuring and fumbling over his words to explain what exactly was going on, embarrassment welling up in his body.

"W-Wait- N-No! I didn't mean- He-" He stuttered, feeling sheepish and ashamed as he tried explaining he wasn't swinging in any direction other than straight. "He sent me a dick pic out of nowhere!" He finally let out with a breath that sounded exasperated, you having a momentary laughing session at the way he spoke, Markus meanwhile slumping down in his seat as he now noticed something else. His glasses were fogging up the longer this continued, the male immediately reaching up to fix this new problem.

Candy Heart (Yandere x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum