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Me: so guys I was on YouTube being retarded and shit

Robin: oh no

Me: and I came across this crack video

Levi: somebody is probably gonna kill themselves afterwards

Me: it's a Teen Titans Crack video and it includes a little bit of the teen titans comics series and a little bit of Attack on Titan and some Black Butler but mainly about Teen Titans

Robin: I'm probably gonna be the one to kill myself after

Raven: I second that

Me: just watch, it's really funny

Erwin: somebody get the suicidal essentials

Robin: *grabs gun and hold up to his head*

Starfire: boyfriend Robin, why do some of the fangirls ship you with the enemy Slade

Robin: I don't know and don't care anymore *shoots self in the head*

Raven: I never liked you anyway *kills self*

Me: see didn't this bring us all together

Everyone else: *looks at all the dead bodies on the floor* no

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