Fanfiction High School featuring me and Kyle

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Me: who didn't expect this

Kyle: hello

Me: he wanted to be here

Kyle: that's not true

Me: you litgit asked me 'what's that your writing, can i be in it'

Kyle: well...

Me: well nothing, lets just get on with this


Christian POV

I walk down the halls holding a stack of papers with my best friend Kyle, we were gonna hang them all around the school

"Why am I involved with this" Kyle said.

"Because I said so, now you hang these on the north side, and I'll get the south side" I said.

"You know your being very mean by hanging these posters" Kyle said with a slight smirk on his face.

"I'm not mean, I'm honest" I said.

"But this isn't true" Kyle said.

"So what are you gonna do about it, tell Applejack on me" I said.

Kyle sighed "Just watch when there's a mob of people hunting you down, or more specifically Terra and Annie, and I would have to supply the space in my locker for you" Kyle said.

"That won't happen, i wouldn't hide in your locker, I'd hide in the janitors closet" I said putting up one of the posters.

The posters said.

'Annie Leonart
Terra Markov

Giving free blow jobs
in the boys bathroom'

"Your so evil" said Kyle with a smile on his face.

"Tell me something I don't know" I said returning his smile.

"I'm not visting you in the hospital" Kyle said.

"Even if you say that, I know you will, you love me too much" I said putting my arm around Kyle's shoulder as we continued our way down the hall.

Connie POV

I walk down the hall holding Sasha like a giant teddy bear while she eats a potato and tripping every once in a while due to the fact she is taller than me, everyone is, except Krista and babies. She's my best friend,
(Me: suuuurrre)
we can be weird with each other and have it not be weird.

"Wait, stop for sec" I said letting go "Sasha look at this" I said pointing to the poster on the wall.

"What about it" she said.

I tilted my head towards it.

"Oh god your considering it" Sasha said face palming.

"It's an experience" I said turning towards the boys bathroom.

"An experience that's most likely a prank" Sasha said grabbing my arm

"I can see your speaking from experience, remember 'free food in the cafeteria day' prank that you beleved, the only difference is-"

"There is no difference, is Annie really that kind of girl?" Sasha asked me.

"Well..." I trailed off.

"You left me no choice...your not invited to my birthday party" she challenged.

"...................................................................................................................................................................................................................STILL WORTH IT" I said running off.

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