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"Remove your helmet."
I was taken aback, I hadn't expected such a request, but I had my answer anyway.
"No!?" She repeated incredulously. She was obviously used to obedience.
"No my anonymity is my strength, it's what makes me untraceable and undetectable. I cannot relinquish it, unless you're okay with me killing you afterwards?"
Cinders smile returned and she turned around, before speaking over her shoulder as she left, "fine, have it your way, but this anonymity will leave you with little friends in the end. Alright, come with me."
With little choice on the matter, I simply followed her to another warehouse where Faunus were stacking boxes. Roman Walked beside us, twirling his cane and humming a song to himself, his immaculate suit a stark white contrast to the darkness around us. We entered a smaller room where a computer remained open, Cinder dismissed Roman as she and I entered the room. Glancing around, I noticed the room was completely empty but for a projector on the same table as the computer to which it was connected. Cinder went over to the computer and a video began to play on the projector. I watched as Cinder, Emerald and Mercury attacked a girl with brown hair and flame powers. Recognising the powers from my in-depth study of the silver eyes, I broke my silence as I gasped, "that's the Fall maiden."
"Very good Advocate. My mission for you is to find this girl. But before you do, I want the person who took this video brought to me, dead or alive, I care not, though alive would be preferable."
"And my pay?"
"Three hundred thousand lien."
I turned and left, walking home.
A new adventure awaited.

It  was Glynda Goodwitch's fighting class, and Jaune Arc was attempting to take on Cardin Winchester. The asshat was winning, and he wasn't hiding his glee at doing so. With a final swing, Jaune's energy levels were depleted and Cardin was stopped from making another move by Miss Goodwitch.
"Mister Arc is low on aura," she explained, "in a tournament style duel, this means elimination from the match, you would do well to watch your aura levels in future mister Arc."
"Yes ma'am..." came the disgruntled reply.
And the lesson was over.
At lunch, I sat quietly beside teams RWBY and JNPR as they spoke to Jaune about Cardin's bullying, whilst he simultaneously bullied a second-year known as Velvet Scarletina at his own table-she was a rabbit Faunus and outside of Beacon, I would have murdered him. Horribly. But my own need for secrecy prevented me from doing so.
He was a very lucky man.
The next lesson was with my admittedly most liked teacher, Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck. He was giving us a lecture on the Faunus War, of which I was already vastly knowledgeable, though it was refreshing to hear another's side of a well known story. The way he spoke of it simply reminded me of why I liked this man, he was scholarly and knowledgeable, and he observed objectively before casting judgement. In that, we were very similar. He then asked a simple question as to the fallacy of a certain General made through attacking the Faunus at night. Jaune, who was peacefully dozing, was woken by Cardin, eliciting a loud, "hey!" This caused doctor Oobleck to query Jaune as to the answer, to which he struggled, even with the help of Pyrrha Nikos, the red-headed girl who wore gladiatorial armour in combat and a member of his team. At Jaune's predictably incorrect answer, Cardin burst out laughing, resulting in both boys getting a detention as Cardin failed to answer the question also, answering with 'animals are easier to train.' Pyrrha then answered the question as the raven-haired beauty Blake Belladonna elaborated. At this, class ended and we returned to our dorms once more.
"That fuckin' bastard! One o' these days, imma rip out that little bitch's intestines wear 'em as a fuckin' necklace!" Ranted Charles, collapsing onto his bunk, "'animals are easier to tame?' To tame!? I aughtta introduce 'im to my gals, see 'ow 'e tames them! He don't know what how badly I could fuck 'im up!"
"If you do it, I'd pay you." Came Kristophe.
"'Ow much we talkin' 'ere?"
"Calm, you two," Lydia broke in, "while he is detestable, we only have to put up with his rubbish until this job is done, then we take turns torturing him, what are your thoughts De-Brutus?"
I smiled thinly, leaning back in the chair I was sitting in to do my homework before replying, "I call first."
"Then it's settled," she continued, jumping up from her own bunk and holding her hand up in the air, all in favour, say aye!"
Fuck yes, aye!"
I turned back to my homework, "why not..."
"Then it's settled!"
Charles stepped up and gave Lydia a hug, "girlie, you jus' my day, thankee kindly." And with that, he released her and returned to his bunk, pulling out his own homework. Kristophe was already doing his, whilst Lydia was somehow already done.
I completed my own homework and sat back, resting. Who would have thought? Me! At a school! The universe works in many mysterious ways.
As my eyes closed, my soul-sight activated automatically, I assumed it was due to intense overuse of my powers, to which I was, and still am, admittedly guilty. I sighed, giving myself a moments rest, before opening my eyes and rising from my desk. "I'm going out." I announced with complete and utter finality.
"Where?" Asked a now half-asleep Lydia.
And I left before they could say another word.
One of my contacts believed they had found the photographer, and had requested a meeting in person.
I used my soul-sight to watch for others as I crept down to the armoury. Using my semblance to remove my armour and weapons without raising the alarm. I then crept out of Beacon and into the city to find my contact.

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