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"Bastard!" I roared, as he sauntered out the room.
My ten year-old frame easily held back by leoheart and the other, I struggled fruitlessly.
"My dearest weapon, I have no qualms with your having a relationship, but I don't care for it being a distraction to you, not yet, perhaps later in life, but not now."
"She's not my girlfriend! I swear, you know I don't care for that sort of thing! She's just someone I met in the forest today!"
"And why were you speaking to her?"
"Her mother just died! I was attempting to help her, like you did me! Is that wrong!"
"Fine, you may go and attempt to save her life, but I do not want a repeat of this."
"Thank you lady Salem, I sha-"
"On one condition."
"Name it, my lady"
"I want her brought to me."
I hesitated, "your will be done."
I was released, and dropped to the floor, I then sprinted out the room, summoning a portal out of Salems pocket dimension, I raced out into the forest.
As I neared the area I had last seen Ruby,  I heard a familiar sobbing. I crept across a tree branch and saw Ruby held against the tree by Tyrions axe-blades. He was surrounded by shapes that haunt me to this very day-white fanged masks, hoods and swords. The white fang, the object of my hatred, and the reason I still lived, their eradication was my sole purpose in life, and   It would happen while I lived. Starting with them.
I drew my twin daggers and dropped into the back of the clearing, the rustling trees masking my presence. The darkened sky began to throw hail, and my short black hair was immediately slicked back by the rain. I moved silently, killing without remorse, it was quick and painless, easy too, they were all distracted by whatever Tyrion was saying to Ruby,. For them, it was quick, for Tyrion, I would be slow and painful.
As I neared Tyrion, I heard a man roar, and Tyrion was thrown across the clearing.
There, standing in front of Ruby were two men, one, surrounded be golden flame, had made the noise, whilst the other stood with a silver scythe. "Stay away from my daughter!" Yelled the golden one, and he charged in, laying waste to the white fang, meanwhile, the ragged-looking scythe wielder duelled with Tyrion, I sprinted over, picked Ruby up and ran from the clearing, I was clearly outmatched here, and I wouldn't be surprised to find they were both hunters, I had to ensure Ruby's safety, no matter what.
"No! Stop! That's my dad and Uncle Qrow! They're here to help!"
I grunted and set her down on a nearby tree, before turning to find the flame-man and 'Uncle Qrow' standing before me.
"Look, it's not what it looks li-" I ducked a swing from the fire fighter  and jumped into  the tree above Ruby. "I just saved your daughters life!"
"We saw what you did," replied Qrow, "and it didn't exactly fill us with confidence that some psycho child-assassin was encroaching on Ruby, and aren't you a little young to be a possessive stalker?"
"Gah, she not my girlfriend! You adults need to get your minds out of the gutter!... fine, I have things to do anyway, goodbye." And with that, I left, making my way back to the clearing where poor, poor Tyrion lay defenceless...
Several years passed and I now stood, fifteen years old, atop a hill overlooking a beautiful wheat field, my soul reaper strapped to my back, despite the five years since my meeting with Ruby my promise had not gone forgotten, in fact, Soul Reaper was only my main weapon, while it was a two-handed scythe, I also had two hand-scythes sheathed at my side. I had gone from assassin to farmer, whilst also becoming an excellent mercenary, I had a hundred percent success ratio, and so was highly sought after, and was highly rich. I was now going to have my final job, a job to end all jobs, paying me ten million lien.
I would then retire, the few houses I'd purchased with all my reward money were being rented out for me by the most expensive agent I could afford, so even if I retired now, I would still have a steady income, this farm had truly been an asset, but everything must end, as all things must. While everything I owned was here with me in atlas, the job was in Vale, specifically in a place known as beacon academy, but I would need a team, so a team I would prepare. But first, some unfinished business.
I headed over to the barn, my olive-green armour glinting in the beautiful sunset. I entered and walked past all of the animals, I flicked out my twin scythes and tore down all the stable doors, freeing all the animals as I walked past, finally, I reached an iron vault and entered the combination to unlock the magnetically sealed door. I stepped inside, welcomed by the coppery tang of blood, I breathed in the sweet smell as I glared down at my prisoner, not that he could see it, I wore a closed slit-helm, the same olive green as the rest of my armour. With a swish of my cape, I leaned down and backhanded Tyrion into consciousness.
I had taken the pitiful man with me that night, and had fulfilled my promise to him, he had remained under my attentions for the past five years, and I had made him feel every day of it. I felt no remorse, nor pity, Salem made me a weapon, and a complete and utter sadist.I was completely evil then, I cared little for human emotion, and so I followed the belief of complete and utter hard work, not that that is bad, but back then, I was a merciless killer, so I was a constant threat. I tore his chains off and concentrated my aura around my gauntleted fist, blowing a hole in the wall behind him, "Tyrion, I hereby free you from my torments, know that I spared you from a horrible death by flames, and remember this, for one day, I shall find you, and that favour will be taken. Now leave!"
And he scuttled away and to freedom, I know not why I did so, only that I did, and as I set my entire farm alight, I wondered the same thing to myself, why? I shook myself and turned back to the flames, I had sprinkled different types of dust across the farm and I watched as the flames burned iridescent. I turned and trudged away, my team awaited...

And there is chapter two, hope you enjoyed and do comment and vote, anything worth doing is worth doing badly at first, so let me know what I did wrong and/or right, constructive criticism is highly useful. So until chapter three, goodbye and goodnight!

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